Maul x Obi-Wan

476 16 37

Requested by Baby-Xenomorph also!!!! This is the 100th ship!!! 🎉 🎈 🎊 whooo hooo!

Yoitsme108: Wow, I kinda ship this.

Maul: *growls*

Yoitsme108: oh yeah, Maul is still mad about Obi-Wan killing him.

Obi-Wan: I was avenging my Master Qui-Gon.

Yoitsme108: I know, but you had the low ground.

Maul: *nods head with death glare to Obi-Wan*

Obi-Wan: oh whatever. Can you all stop with that??

Yoitsme108: no. Low and high ground is science!

Obi-Wan: no it's not.

Maul: *grips light saber tighter*

Yoitsme108: it's okay Maul. Revenge isn't the answer.

Obi-Wan: says you.

Yoitsme108: whatever. Lando deserves the pain that was brought upon him.

Obi-Wan: In that case, you deserve a lot of pain for what you have done to all of us.

Yoitsme108: whatever. People enjoy this!!!

Obi-Wan: I can't see why.

Maul: *starts running towards Obi-Wan.*

Obi-Wan: I'll be right back. *runs away because he forgot his light saber like an idiot and he must get to the high ground*

Yoitsme108: I'm rooting for Ze General Kenoboiii

Obi-Wan rating: 0/10
Mauls rating: 0/10
Yoitsme108s rating: 7/10 don't judge me.


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