Can't Go Home? Join My Crew Instead!

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Tani stood before the crew she had just introduced herself to. Nami was the first one to speak up.

"Well, we don't have any extra boats for you to use." she sighed, Tani had a feeling that was the case, "You're stuck here until the next island."

"Can't we just turn around?" Tani requested. "I'm sorry, but I can't just sail to the next island." she had places to be! Like home.

"Should have thought of that, before you boarded a random ship." Nami shrugged. Wow, rude. Tani narrowed her eyes.

"It's not like I chose to be here." Tani snapped. "If anything! It's you guys that kidnapped me." she accused. Nami narrowed her eyes, teeth grinding together.

"What reason would we need to do that?"

"How am I supposed to know? You're the people that kidnapped me!" Tani got up in Nami's face, the red heads freckles stood out against her angry-cherry coloured cheeks.

"You're ridiculous! We aren't turning this ship around. So deal with it." Nami shut the conversation down. Turning away from the stowaway, storming towards a door and slamming it behind her.

Tani poked her tongue out in the direction of Nami. What a jerk! This was all strange for Tani too.

Riled up, Tani pulled her bag off her shoulders, fished a hand inside the front pocket. Her index fingers looped into the strings of her yo-yo's. She whipped the toy out, and began warming up with a few simple ups and downs, as per usual. The distaste of her previous conversation, washed away with every bounce of the spinning circle.

Tani hadn't failed to notice the awe on Luffy's face as he watched the yo-yo bounce up and down in a hypnotic fashion. She normally had this effect on little kids, but a guy that looks roughly her age... Make that two because Usopp? If she remembered correctly, was also watching her with awe.

A smirk snuck it's way onto Tani's face, if these strangers wanted a performance, she was more than ready to show off.

Usopp left his hiding place, and stood beside Luffy. Watching Tani do well coordinated tricks with the yo-yo's in her hands. An easy smile drifted into her face, tension flowing away with every snap of the string that connected her to the spinning plastic orbs.

To the small crew, Tani didn't appear to be a threat. Luffy had a keen sense for danger, and this girl wasn't setting off any alarm bells. Which was awesome, because Luffy thought she was really cool.

There's still the lingering question... Just how did this mystery girl magically appear on the Going merry? Usopp didn't know her, and the only island they've been on since acquiring the boat, was Syrup village. A rather small island that Usopp knew off the back of his hand. He didn't know her... So where was she from? And why was she here?

Nami held her suspicion, staring from the kitchen window, just in case their mystery girl decided to go rogue. She may not be on the crew, but she needed these idiots for the moment. At least until the next island-

"Do the walking one again!" Luffy's voice carried over the ship. Usopp stood beside him, chanting praises at Tani. The girl pulled off a trick with her yo-yo's, the crowd went wild. Nami rolled her eyes.

A sigh left her. Tani was rather nervous, if not a bit prickly when challenged, and she held her guard up. In other words, getting anything out of her wouldn't be easy.

Why was Nami on this ship again? Was the headache really worth it? Her hand slid up her left arm, gripping the sleeve of her shirt... Right. Just a little longer. These guys were strong, if not a bit stupid. They'd help her with her quest, even if they didn't know about it.

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