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dan: who's bed am i in

dan: where are u

dan: did i go home with someone ?!?! fuck that

dan: where am i


dan: phil why did u leave me

dan: i got so fucking drunk n u let me leave w a stranger ?!?!?!?

dan: wouldn't be the first time but STILL

phil: calm down

dan: not till i figure out where i am and why i'm only in my underwear

dan: where r my clothes ??????

phil: you're in my dorm shut up n calm down

phil: ur clothes r in my laundry bc u threw up all over them

phil: you're in my bed

phil: drink the water and take the aspirin on my nightstand

dan: where r u

phil: in the lounge getting u a cuppa

dan: why didn't u take me to my dorm

phil: bc i didn't want to? i wanted to make sure you're alright

dan: i would've been fine alone i used to do this every night

phil: i don't fucking care dan

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