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phil: when was the last time you hooked up with someone

dan: why would i tell you

phil: jus tell me when ur last dick appt was, i won't tell

dan: like a few weeks ago or something

dan: why is this relevant again

phil: i bet you're really missing the feeling of having something inside you, huh?

phil: sure, toys help, but the real thing just isn't the same, is it?

phil: don't you want a big, hard, throbbing cock filling your hole and hitting your spot just right?

phil: haven't felt that in a long time, have you?

dan: phil

phil: you want it so bad, don't you?

phil: you love it

phil: you want someone who can fulfill your needs

phil: you desperately want someone who will fuck the life out of you, having you cumming until you're passing out

dan: shut up

phil: want it, baby?

phil: just say the words and you can have it

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