I hummed, examining the food. "My mother always burned my breakfast. How curious that that's what I was craving today... though I suppose it makes sense, in a way. Thank you." I shook my head and tucked into the food.

I did my best to mind my manners, until my stomach growled so loud that the blonde woman, -who had already returned to the kitchen,- slowly leaned into the room, looking sincerely concerned. I blushed and kept my head down, eating quickly.

"That's a powerful stomach you got there! You're still hungry, though... Selena, another round of sausage, and some baked potatoes, that should do her stomach good... say twelve of each, to start with, and a 6oz steak, too." Kyra nodded.

Another woman, clearly the mother of the two women, stepped out of the kitchen swiftly. "Twelve of Each?!? That's... oh, no, you're right, she's still hungry! Oh I love a girl who can eat!!!" She rushed over and hugged me tightly, then disappeared into the kitchen, laughing happily as the sounds and smells of cooking food increased.

I smiled and finished what was on my plate, downing even the burned chorizo, and then accepted the new cup of coffee from the barista. "Thank you. And thank you, Zatanna... I needed a little bit of home, today."

She nodded. "I know. I don't have quite the same Third Eye as they do, but I knew you'd be missing home, after everything that's happened. So, my ulterior motives had ulterior motives!"

I laughed, accepting the massive platter of food from the older woman. "I appreciate that, Zatanna, I do! You sure you're not going to eat anything? Everything's been sublime so far!" I asked, and cut into one of the baked potatoes, which was already stuffed with all the fixings one would expect in a Greek house; goat cheese, sour cream, shredded lamb, and mushrooms, all of my favorites.

She shook her head. "No... they know what to make, but everything they make here reminds me of my... well, it's a lot, is all. The coffee is enough."

I hummed, and finished off the third potato in three large bites, hiding my mouth while I chewed. "Well, if you change your mind, I've got an extra baked potato here, if you like." I set one aside for her, then placed a sausage link into the slice in one potato, like a breakfast hotdog, eating that in three more big bites.

My stomach rumbled again, softer, as I finished the plate, and I sighed. "Really? You're still not satisfied? I just ate enough to feed a family of six! A Greek family of six!!!" I hissed at my stomach, and sighed when the mother placed a smaller platter of lamb chops in front of me, patting my back gently.

"Don't worry, darling, I'm sure you'll grow out of that appetite soon enough." She murmured, and returned to the kitchen.

"No, I won't. It's an unfortunate side-effect of my... situation." I retorted, glaring at my stomach, which barely looked distended, despite the huge amount of food inside of it. "I'll need to get a very good job to pay for my meals, that's for sure... or I'll just get the recipe from Bart for those ultra-carb protein bars of his... two of those filled me up for an entire day and a half!" I grinned at the thought.

"Yeah, those are expensive to make too, but much quicker to eat... or you can just eat here every day? I'll foot the bill, as I've taken responsibility for you, you'll get to eat home-cooked food instead of nasty protein bars, and they'll get to cook for you, so everyone wins!" Zatanna nodded sagely, sipping her coffee to hide her face.

The barista narrowed her eyes, and both women in the kitchen leaned out, glaring at her. "We do not accept charity, Zatanna Zatarra!" She growled, her voice deepening magically.

UnMasked Nomadजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें