~chɑptєr єɪghtєєɴ~

402 21 2

"Trevor!" I said, a little shocked but surprisingly happy to see him.

"What's up turtle girl?" he smiled. "Didn't think I would see you again!"

I could feel Hayes' eyes on me, then back on Trevor. He knew this was the guy that I flirted back and forth with, and this was the guy that I let buy me a stuffed animal.

Hayes moved a bit in front of me and I couldn't decide if I liked this territorial side of him or if I thought it was uncalled for. I mean, Hayes isn't technically my official boyfriend or anything. Just my summer fling..

However, just the thought of never seeing Hayes again brought on this horrible feeling in the pit of my stomach. I dreaded the last day of this vacation so much.

"Are you staying here Trevor?" I gestured towards my building.

"Nah, I'm staying down there." he pointed at a building a couple spots down.

"Oh ok." I smiled a little. This conversation was made extremely awkward by the tattooed boy blocking half of my view with his body. His very distracting, thin, but still muscular body I might add. Then again, Trevor was easy to look at as well.. but Hayes is my guy. Not Trevor.

"I see you've made yourself another friend." He made eye contact with Hayes for the first time. "Did this one but you a more expensive present than I did?"

"No. My affections can not be bought with presents." I said crossing my arms. Hayes chuckled under his breath.

"Well my present seemed to have a nice affect." He smirked at me.

"Did it? Who is she standing behind, dude? Because if you're 'present' really had that good of an affect on her, she would probably be standing behind you." Hayes took a step forward, keeping me safely behind him even though there wasn't anything to keep me safe from.

"In my defense, I forgot to trade numbers with her, so there was no getting in touch." He said inching closer to Hayes. If I had had a knife I could've cut the tension with it.

"Well that was for the best then." Hayes spat.

"Okay guys. Stop." I stepped in front of Hayes to be in between them.

I looked in Hayes' eyes and nodded, telling him 'I've got this'. He understood.

"Trevor, it was great seeing you but I think we should head back to our room." I looked at him.

"Alright. Okay. Yeah, it was really great seeing you too." He looked a little frazzled, I think I caught him off guard by passing him up for Hayes who was less muscular and less tan, etcetera.

"Come on, Hayes." I smiled at his blue eyes which looked relieved.

I took a few steps with Hayes behind me when I heard, "Lizzy! Wait!"

I turned around and before I knew it, a set of lips were attached to mine. Lips that didn't belong to Hayes.

He was holding me in place with his hands so I couldn't move. I just had to wait for Hayes to save me. He would save me..

Trevor's lips felt so different than Hayes. His were less plump, and he had stubble on his face which felt very unpleasant against my face.

Finally after what seemed like hours even though it was really only a couple seconds, Hayes managed to pull him away from me. The second I opened my eyes I saw Hayes' fist fly through the air and hit Trevor square in the jaw. This resulted in a full on attack from Trevor and then it was just a fight.

Punches and kicks were flying and I started screaming because quite frankly I was terrified.

"Stop! Stop it!" I screamed but didn't dare touch either of them.

Soon some of the people on the beach started to take notice and one of them got a lifeguard to yank them apart.

"Boys! What's going on here!" The far too tan lifeguard yelled.

"What's it look like, dumbass?" Trevor said, his chest heaving.

"Do I need to call the police or will you both go back to your rooms for the day?" Neither of them said anything. "Huh?" He pushed.

"Yeah sure. Come on Liz." Hayes took my hand.

"Thanks." I mouthed to the lifeguard who nodded back at me and led Trevor back to the hotel.

"Oh my God!" I whisper-yelled at Hayes after we were closer to out hotel.

He looked at me then quickly looked away.

"Hayes!" I said and moved in front of him forcing him to stop walking.

He met my eyes with the one eye that wasn't closed shut.

"You just started a fight!" I yelled then turned away from him and started up to the hotel with him on my heels.

"Yeah because that bastard kissed you!" He yelled and I pressed the 'up' button on the elevator.

"We aren't exclusive, Hayes!" I said as the elevator doors opened up.

"Really! Says the girl who's spent every waking moment of the last week with me!" he yelled and we stepped onto the thankfully empty elevator.

"I didn't have anyone else!" I yelled.

"What would you have done if I wasn't here then? Find Trevor?" He fired.

"What the hell, Hayes! I don't even care about Trevor, he can take his stupid turtle back I don't want it!"

"Yeah whatever. I was just trying to save you." He lowered his voice a little as we stepped out of the elevator onto my floor.

"I'm not a damsel in distress Hayes." I rolled my eyes.

"You need a prince." He tried to take my face in his hands but I backed away from him.

"Princes", I gestured to him, "Don't make me watch as he fights another guy."

"Sword fights?" he said sarcastically.

"This isn't medieval times, ok? I can't be with someone who can snap that easily." I looked away.

"Is this a breakup? Because I got mad because some other guy kissed you?"

"This is not a breakup because we were never together. You aren't my boyfriend, Hayes."

"But Liz." He started.

"No Hayes. Go back upstairs. I'm sorry." I turned around and opened my door."

"Liz I'm so sorry." He was pleading.

"Stop." I slammed the door in his face.

I heard him slam his fists on the door and then I looked out the window to see him getting on the elevator.

I went into my room and sprawled out across my bed and began bawling. I sobbed and sobbed and I was surprised my family didn't come check on me. Probably knew I wanted to be alone.

My phone had been buzzing since he left but I haven't answered it. I don't want to talk to him.

I can't talk to him. Ever again.

If I know myself, I know I will forgive him the second I talk to him. And I won't do that to myself because he will just end up hurting me.

He's probably just upset because this means he loses the bet.

Oh my Gosh. The bet!

That's why he cares so much! I'm so stupid. He's just a competitive idiot like every other guy.

This is why I can't trust.

I trusted him and now I'm heartbroken.

Why am I so mad at him anyways? I guess I'm just mad because he made me feel this way and I hate him for that.

I thought I was falling for him but none of it was real.

It was all for the stupid game.

"Give it two weeks." I whispered, then grabbed the turtle and threw it, hard.

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