~chɑptєr fօʊr~

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After I found my family we all headed back up to the room.

My mom asked how things went with Hayes but I avoided her questions, I didn't really feel like explaining that we almost kissed. And that he assumes that I will fall in love with him.

That's not going to happen. I've never been in love before, I've never kissed anyone before, I've never really been in a relationship. So why on earth would I fall for the rude boy I met today?

I agreed to meet him, but we will probably end up in another argument, but I will be extra careful not to let it end in another 'moment'.

After about an hour of being back in the room, I heard a knock on the door. My parents had gone to bed about twenty minutes ago, so I went to the door. I don't know why I expected to see Hayes there, but when I opened the door to see the three girls that my sister is friends with, a little piece of hope died in me.

I hate the guy! Why would I want it to be him?

I must want to please my parents. That must be the reason I can't get his blue eyes out of my head. My parents want so badly for me to have more friends, to be more like a teenager, but it's not in my personality. I guess my mind thinks if I spend time with Hayes that my mother will be proud, or some inspirational shit like that.

I let the girls in and showed them Lily's room. I closed the door behind me as I entered my room again. I heard squealing and giggling and knew I wouldn't get much sleep. I sighed and tried to think of anything else, avoiding the blue eyes that kept popping into my mind.


Tonight I had a strange dream, it involved a shark chasing me and Hayes saving me from the infested ocean. I woke myself up when I found myself leaning in to kiss his cheek, in a form of thanks for saving my life.

"Wake up, Lizzy."

My eyes snapped open and I looked at the clock beside me.


I sat up and stretched, yawning. I have never quite understood the point in yawning when you wake up. You yawn when you are tired, and need sleep. So after you wake up from a long, sound sleep, you yawn? It doesn't make any sense, but there's nothing I can do to change it so I forget about it.

I have a 'principle' where if I discover a problem with the way some things work, I decide whether or not I can do anything, or influence something to be done. If I can, then I continue working on the problem, if I can't, I drop it.

Suddenly remembering that I have to meet Hayes in less than three hours, I jumped up and fast-walked to the bathroom. I undressed, putting my pajamas in the floor next to the door, so I will remember that they are dirty and need to be washed, and step into the shower.

The shower itself is nice and elegant but the water pressure from the shower head is nearly nonexistent. I guess when everyone uses the same water supply, the water can't exactly be strong.

I washed my hair, and condition. If I don't condition my hair will both become frizzy, and be impossible to brush out.

I shaved my legs and under my arms, the bad thing about wearing a bathing suit everyday is having to shave every morning.

I washed my face and body and rinsed myself off before turning the water off and wrapping a hotel-provided towel around my body, and then another around my hair.

I opened the door, opening the warm bathroom up to the cold air in my bedroom. I stepped out and shivered from the cold before quickly putting on my favorite green one-piece bathing suit. It has holes wrapping around my sides so it almost looks like a bikini.

I stuck an oversized grey sweater over it to stay warm. I brought the sweater here for times like these. I put my hair up in a messy bun on top of my head.

I stepped out my my room and heard the girls giggling in Lily's room. I guess they stayed all night. I walked into the kitchen and checked the time again.


It's been an hour.

My stomach growled, giving me a great way to pass the time. Eating.

I grabbed a jar of peanut butter from the cabinets the my mom has already stocked full of food that she brought from home.

I pulled a spoon out of the drawer and rinsed it off in the sink before heading to the balcony. My parents were still asleep.

I sat down and started eating a spoonful of peanut butter. I listened to the sounds of children laughing and people thoroughly enjoying their time away from home. It's peaceful and serene and I felt like I could've sat there all day.

Soon I heard a sound on the balcony above me. It's someone walking. I looked up even though I knew I wouldn't see anything through the floor. It's not like I have X-ray vision. That's another one of those problems I was talking about. Why do people look in the direction of the source of a sound, knowing they won't see it.

Then I heard a guitar. The person above me was playing a guitar. I would tell them to stop because it might wake up my parents, it's very loud, but it sounded really good. It's a song that I recognized. 'Sweater Weather' by the Neighborhood.

Then they started singing. I recognized the voice immediately and was shocked but continued listening. I found myself swaying to his amazing voice and guitar playing.

When the song ended I hurried over to the edge of the balcony and said, "Hayes?"

Soon I heard a voice say, "Hey Liz!"

His room is right above mine, I thought to myself.

"I uh, didn't know you could sing."

"I didn't know I had an audience."


"Well are you ready to go down to the pool?" I asked him, unsure of how I wanted him to answer.

"Eager are we?" I could just imagine the smirk on his face.

"More like bored."

"Well yes, I am ready. I'm on my way down there so hurry up."

I turned around and went inside, leaving my peanut butter on the table. I'll get that later.

I took off my sweater and replaced it with a purple swimsuit coverup and grabbed a solid blue beach towel from the laundry basket in the hallway. I poked my head in to Lily's door.

"Tell mom I went down to the pool ok?"

"Why are you going down there so early?"

I hesitated. Should I tell her I'm meeting Hayes? She'll tell mom. Then again, that's why I'm hanging out with him right? So mom will be proud.

"Because I'm meeting that boy I was with last night."

"Is he your boyfriend?" One of the other girls asked and they all giggled. I rolled my eyes at them.

"No he is not. Just tell mom ok Lily?"

"Ok Elizabeth. Have fun with your boyfriend!"

I huffed and closed her door and went out into the hallway. He is most definitely not my boyfriend. He's not even my friend. He's barely an acquaintance. A rude acquaintance at that.

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