~chɑptєr twєƖvє~

547 34 8

"That was so delicious!" My mom said as we stepped off the elevator in our building.

"It so was, we should totally go back there again before we leave." My sister was carrying on a conversation with my mom.

After my dad bought me the coral t-shirt I stuffed the bag with the turtle in it inside the t-shirt bag without anyone ever noticing.

I didn't want to have to explain where I got it, because my parents both know I wouldn't have bought such an expensive turtle with the limited money I have.

I was leading the way so my dad handed me the keycard to open the door to our room.

"Yes we should! I'm getting the exact same thing I ordered today, if we go back of course." My mom replied.

I pushed open the door and stepped through the doorway. Attempting to avoid conversation with my family, I rushed to my room.

I closed the door behind me and let out a breath I hadn't realized I had been holding. I can take only so much socializing in one day before I crack.

Two seconds after I had gotten comfortable on my bed someone knocked on my bedroom door.

I groaned quietly and trudged over to the door. I opened it and saw my sister.

"What?" I groaned.

"I found this." She said, emphasizing the word this when she pointed to the envelope in her hands.

"An envelope?" I asked, clearly confused.

"Yes. An envelope. With your name on it." She said, eyebrows raised.

When she wasn't expecting it I reached out quickly and grabbed the envelope out of her hands and walked to the bed with it, not bothering to shut the door. She would've just opened it back anyways.

She followed me to the bed and sat across from me.

"It's from him isn't it?" She asked me.

My mind flashed to Trevor before realizing she didn't know who that was. She obviously meant Hayes.

"Well who else would leave an envelope for me at this building." I laughed a little.

Of course it was from him, but what did it say?

I opened the letter and read it to myself, keeping it away from Lily's eyes.

*Dear Liz. Lizzy. Elizabeth. Whatever you want me to call you. I'm sorry for kissing you. I wanted to kiss you this week but I wanted to kiss you at a better time. That was the worst time possible and I probably ruined your first kiss, but damn Liz, I want to kiss you again. I don't know how you've managed to sneak into my heart within the few days we've known each other but I know that we could really enjoy this vacation together. Let's not spend it in argument. This can be a summer fling, or whatever it is they call it. We don't have to see each other after these two weeks if you truly decide that you hate me, but please. At least be my friend during the rest of the vacation. It's not like I can spend it with my brother like my parents intended. Please. My deepest apologies, Liz. Hayes.*

My heart was racing my the time I got to the end of the letter.

"Lily, give me a minute." I said.

"Who's it from!" She demanded.

"Who do you think? Now go!" I commanded.

"Fine." She mumbled and left the room.

I feel bad for making her leave like that but I really do need a minute.

He's sorry for kissing me? Is that good or bad? I mean he said he wanted to kiss me again, which is good. I want to kiss him again too! He said we can be friends, can we be just friends without those moments that we inevitably have? I've grown to like those moments..

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