~chɑptєr sɪ×~

607 26 4

I opened the door to our hotel room, quietly even though I knew my mom was standing nearby waiting.

I peeked my head in, then walked in, closing the door behind me.

My mom looked pissed, but knowing my mother it wouldn't last. It isn't in her nature to stay mad long. She forgives and forgets, and has never been known to hold a grudge.

"Hey Mom." I said, trying to act as innocent as I possibly could.

"Elizabeth Walker. Where on earth have you been!"

"I told Lily to tell you that I went down to the pool."

"You should have told your father and I yourself." Her anger was already simmering down.

"I'm sorry mom. I didn't want to wake you."

"It's alright sweetie just don't do it again."

"I won't."

We exchanged smiles and I headed to the balcony, I wanted to see where Hayes went. Was he in the ocean? I had to know.

"Hey Hun?"

"Yeah Mom?"

"Why did you go down there so early?"

Do I tell her? I might as well, I mean, the whole reason I'm hanging with Hayes is for her right?

"I went with Hayes."

"The boy from the elevator?"


"And you like him?"

"I don't even know him."

"But you like him?" She had that knowing look on her face but she was wrong this time.


"Ok Hun." She said, obviously thinking I was lying, which I wasn't.

I don't know him. I don't like him. And I definitely don't want to talk about him.

I sat on the balcony and looked for him. I didn't see him, and I scanned the beach approximately twenty times.

I was getting really curious of his whereabouts, and that's when I remembered I had his number. I pulled my phone out and considered what I should put.

I can't let him know that I'm only texting him to find out where he is, so I go with, 'Hey, you can save my number now.'

He will know it's me, unless he's expecting more than just my text from an unknown number. Nah, I may not trust him, but I don't think he's much of the player type.

In less than I minute I received a text back.

'Ok Liz ;)'.

A winking face? Really?

And that didn't even answer the question I was trying to get an answer to.

'So did you go to the beach?'

If I make it seem casual he won't suspect a thing.

'Didn't see me down there, huh?'


'What do you mean..'

'We both know you were looking for me, didn't see me, so you texted me.'

Shit! How could he possibly have known that!

'Ok. Whatever Hayes I was just making conversation.'

'Sure you were Liz.'

Still not getting an answer here. This conversation is pointless, yet I'm entertained. There's another one of those problems I have. Why are the simple things, the pointless things, the things that will most likely will not change anything in your life in the long run, the most enjoyable things?

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