~chɑptєr thrєє~

876 29 6

So my sister decided that she wants to go down to the beach tonight, and although I'm thoroughly exhausted from the trip down here, looking out at the gorgeous ocean made me want to go down there as well.

"This place has a huge pool!" I hear my sister exclaim from her room. I know she is talking to me because her room is right next to mine.

Believe it or not she didn't out up a fight about having her room be the one with the half bath out in the hall. She's probably still excited about having her friends here.

"Yeah I know!" I said back to her.

I chose to wear my most comfortable bathing suit tonight. It's a neon orange bikini with hot pink lining around it.

It's not the cutest one I have but it's not ugly. It shows off my curves and my chest doesn't look bad either.

I grabbed my floral sunglasses off the table even though the sun is setting. Sunglasses are my favorite summer accessory.

I left my hair down, not wanting to bother with taking the hairband out afterwards.

I stepped out of my bedroom at the same time as Lily and saw that she's wearing her red, strapless tankini. She has her hair pulled back and I noticed she put on red lipgloss.

I smirked at her and she gave me a questioning look.

I said, "Lipgloss is pointless when you're swimming."

She said, and I quote, "The girls and I will all be sporting our best red swimsuits and to top it off, we all will have red lips." She then proceeded to walk away with a noticeable sway in her hips.

"Diva." I mumbled before following her to the living room. My mom had on a simple black one piece and my dad was wearing green swim trunks that came down to his knees. Thank God he doesn't wear those awful speedos that some dad's think are cool to wear.

We all headed out the door of the room and got into the elevator. We pressed the floor level button and headed down. I thought we would make it all the way down without stopping but no such luck. We were stopped on the twelfth floor. A woman who looked to be my moms age stepped on wearing a bright yellow summer dress and a huge hat to block the sun that was setting and would soon be gone.

Right as my dad was about to hit the button to close the doors and boy got on and stood right next to me. I was about to push him away but soon realized there weren't really any other spots left to stand except by my dad. And I wouldn't force that on even a creepy stranger like himself.

I glanced up at the guy who got on and noticed that he looked about my age. He wasn't wearing a shirt, but had on black swim trunks and carried a red beach towel.

He was quite attractive but by the way he rudely pushed himself next to me when we got on I assumed he was a rude person overall, though I couldn't help but notice his bright blue eyes, and they way they stood out against his light skin. His hair was short and dark brown. At first glance I would've said it was black.

He was very muscular and as I was sideways glancing at his 6-pack, I was shocked to see a small tattoo. The tattoo was of a few words but I couldn't make out the words before he covered it up with his arms. I assume he noticed me looking so I glanced away quickly.

My mom was giving me the 'Cute Guy Alert' face but I rolled my eyes.

She ignored my reaction and began speaking to the boy, which mortified me to depths I wasn't aware I had.

"Hi there! What's your name, Hun?"

Hun? I asked myself.

"Uh, Hayes." He muttered. His voice was deep. It suited him in my opinion.

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