Yuki: That's good to hear. (Checks watch) Anyway, I have a meeting to catch up to with my husband about the future of our company. Heck, if you wish, I could offer you a seat to voice your opinions and concerns too.

Nicole: No. That's ok. I've already had enough experience having a place at the table with the council. And I hate to admit it, but Timmy was right. Meetings are boring.

Yuki leaving: Haha! Now you know my pain.

As Yuki leaves into the back end of the office, Nicole starts to think to herself. The world seems alright with Gumball around, but with her, she's worried one day she'll be so frustrated she'd go crazy and unleash her full power, which she had suppressed since the day the Toon Force H.Q was invaded by other corrupted worlds during the horrific attack on Jump City. Meanwhile, back at the Fenton Lab at the upper ops center, Danny, Tucker, and Timmy continue to try and make contact with Dr. Noreen and Gumball using their communicators and computers.

Tucker hastily typing on his laptop: I can't get Jenny's Mom on the line!

AJ dialing his communicator: Me neither!

Danny: Keep trying. I'm gonna call Gumball again and ask him. Bobert, you've got your own communicator, right?

Alt. Bobert: Affirmative.

Danny: Try getting Gumball. If we can't get the Doctor or Jimmy, we can at least get him. I tried it before, but it just refuses to work!

Jazz at the Fenton Computer: Not sure we can try again, Danny! There's more heat signatures popping up like a swarm of spiders and bees!

Danny shivering: Eeeww...Don't put that in my head. Can you locate them?

Jazz: Yes but there's too many of them!

Suddenly, the computer explodes in front of Jazz and knocks her down! Danny catches her and looks back at the damaged monitor.

Jack Fenton: Darn it! Our technology keeps getting worse all the time!

Dani: Do you think this has something to do with those faces in the sky?

Danny: It might.

Brad looking from the upper windows: Actually, I don't really think so. They're starting to disappear with the wind picking up.

Flora walking over: And I can feel the ground shaking every few minutes outside.

Maddie: That doesn't sound right. Let me take a look.

Maddie steps out to the roof and peeks at the sky. The many cloudy faces fade away and the fog clears up, and the blue vibrant skies and sunlight finally reappear as though virtually nothing has happened.

Maddie: Oh, this is great! I can even see the sun now!

AJ: Maybe this whole ordeal is over.

Just as soon as AJ wonders if the sight was just a random occurrence, another earthquake from the gravity slowly begins to rumble, but more potent than the last! Back in the lab, the area starts coming apart from the pull and several pieces of electronics begin to explode!

Squidward covering his head: What's happening now?!

Scaramouche holding his hat: Dog if I know! I'm outta here!

Toon Wars: The Final DaysNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ