Elemental Assistance

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    Nya tried to explain her slowly changing, more rational thought pattern aloud to Tox. "Y'know, I'm beginning to realize that what Karlof and Lloyd said earlier was right. If we do fight and kill recklessly like our enemies, then how much better are we than them?"

    Tox seemed confused by Nya's sudden change in attitude. "What? I thought just earlier you were ready to go cut Garmadon's head off with me."

    "Oh, I still want to—believe me, I do—,but that doesn't mean I should," reasoned Nya. "I don't want to end up being like Harumi."

    "Ooooh, right. I forgot for a sec. You're a Ninja. You got 'morals and honor' to uphold," sneered Tox. "Well, news flash, I'm no Ninja. Already today, I probably killed at least ten Sons of Garmadon members in revenge for my kids."

    "Your kids?" questioned Nya, now suddenly noticing the dried blood on Tox's clothes. "I mean, I knew you knew them, but you sound like you're really, really close to them." 

    "Yeah," sighed Tox. "They're one of the few reasons I actually want to live and get up each morning. I'm pretty sure Luka, er... Mr. Pale feels the same." She gave a pained laugh and quickly wiped her tears eyes. "Sorry, I must sound really stupid and emotional right now."

    "No, no. It's fine," reassured Nya. She was beginning to get the idea that even though Tox put up a vicious attitude and dark personality, she definitely had a softer, loving side to her as well. "I've cried and screamed a lot since this whole ordeal went down; although, most of it's been out of anger instead of grief. I'm honestly a bit scared of what'll happen if... if I do let the sadness sink in. I doubt I'll be of much use to the Resistance if I'm an emotional wreck."

    "Yeah, but you aren't much use to it anyways if Lloyd's too scared to let you go anywhere because he thinks that you'll murder every Sons of Garmadon member you come across," pointed out Tox. 

    "Heh, I think the last time I talked to Lloyd in complete sentences was when I was screaming in his face about killing Garmadon and Harumi," admitted Nya ashamedly.

    "Well there ya go. When Lloyd gets back, at least convince him you're stable enough to make sane choices," advised Tox.

    "I am stable," huffed Nya indignantly. "If he truly wants to see the definition of lunatic, he should take a look at Ultra Violet."

    "Lloyd doesn't think so," disagreed Tox with a slight smirk. "He's certain your dead set on killing Garmadon and Harumi, and he probably thinks that I'm a trigger happy maniac now."

    They both chuckled a bit then went quiet. In the comfortable silence, Tox suddenly remembered something.

    She pulled out a lightly crumpled envelope from her pocket and handed it to Nya. "Oh, before I forget. Here. This is for you. I could tell Mr. Pale totally forgot to give it to you earlier so I pickpocketed him. It's from some nice lady called Edna."

    Nya couldn't think straight as she received the letter. She didn't even question how Tox got the letter as she began to open it with shaking hands until Tox abruptly stopped her. "Wait. Don't open it in here. I don't wanna have to deal with your tears."

    "Alright. I'll leave," laughed Nya, knowing full well that she probably was going to end up bursting into tears once she read whatever Edna had to say.

    As she stood to leave, some commotion on one of the monitors caught her eye. The video feed was too blurry to make out what exactly was going on. She figured she'd check it out once she finished reading Edna's note.

    She wandered down the darkened halls until she came to a small, secluded area with a substantial amount of light where she could read and perhaps end up crying in solitude. She took a deep breath as she opened the letter to find Edna's familiar, slightly messy handwriting scrawled on the paper.

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