Chapter 1: Hello, Darkness

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Cage me like an animal
A crown with gems and gold
Eat me like a cannibal
Chasing the neon throne

Cage me like an animalA crown with gems and goldEat me like a cannibalChasing the neon throne

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Blood drips from my opponent's eyebrow.

The crimson stream flows down his pale cheek.

And it's all I see.


The shouting crowd is a blur around us. My heart hammers into my chest as my bare fist connects with my adversary's jaw. The supes, who thirst for violence and death, roar with approval. The animal inside me approves too and wants to break free but can't.

A swift jab catches my left eye. I'm surprised by how hard he hits. His punches are so crisp and sharp they feel like electric jolts, zzt, zzt, zzt, even when they land on my arms. I quickly pick-up on his rhythm. The pattern in which he punches: jab, jab, cross, hook, uppercut. It becomes methodical and, unfortunately for him, predictable.

On his next round of moves, I recoil and duck. Bobbing and weaving until he's reached a point of exhaustion and then I strike. Landing a solid connection that rockets him through the air. His body barely thuds on the mat before the ding of the bell sounds. The piercing ring cuts through the buzz in my ears and everything comes back into focus: the dull light of the worn-down warehouse, the smell of blood and sweat, and the cheers that are now mixed with the boos of those who betted against me.

My wrist is lifted above my head by the referee. "Hall! Winner by K.O."

A few of those angry with my victory climb under the ropes to drag their unconscious friend out of the ring. The ice-cold stares communicate their hatred for me better than words ever could. I can't help but smirk at the pointy-eared bastards. If I had it my way, I'd beat every last one of their kind down.

"Great fight, Hall." Leo, the fight coordinator, slaps me on the shoulder.

Flinching in pain, I turn and scowl. "Watch it, asshole."

Laughing at my misery, Leo lifts his hands in fake-surrender. "My bad. I always forget how the new moon effects these fights."

"I find that hard to believe considering you're a fucking vampire. The new moon effects you bloodsuckers just like the rest of us."

The stout Scotsman hands me a clean towel. "Aye!" he barks out a laugh. "Hall, when are you going to become one of my regular fighters? You can make a lot of money on the supe-circuit."

"We talked about this, Leo. I only fight when I want. Not when some jackass with deep pockets orders me."

"Aye, but those jackasses have very deep pockets. You keep knocking 'em out like tonight? You'd be green till the end of time."
Walking away, Leo leaves the ring and fades into the crowd, howling with laughter with every step.


Making my way to the lockers, I am met with chin nods and drunken, celebratory shouts. Their words of affirmation feel like shrapnel against my exposed flesh and I can't get away fast enough. Concentrating on my feet, I hurry past the security guards and enter the cold changing room.

Ready to leave, I grab the rubbing-alcohol out of my bag and head to the sink. Pouring the cool liquid over the cuts in my knuckles, I close my eyes and relish the stinging bite.

"I thought we agreed to get out and stay out."

My eyes pop open to find Mason's reflection staring at me in the mirror.

"What the fuck are you doing here, Mase?"

"Why the hell are you back in? After all the shit you gave me? You were the one that decided we needed to stop supe-fighting, remember?"

Dropping the bottle, I turn to face my pack mate. "Yes. Alright? I'm sorry I don't get what I need from rock-climbing or whatever dumb shit you're into these days. I needed to fight —"

"Bullshit! You needed to release the fucking pain."

I push past him towards my bag. "Don't psychoanalyze me, Mason."

"It's true! You might as well grab a blade and start slicing again." I feel him step behind me.

Pulling my T-shirt over my head, I ignore his verbal jab along with the scream of my sore muscles. "You have no idea what the fuck I'm going through. So leave it alone."

"It's not gonna take the pain away, Trent. You and I both know it. It never does. It's not gonna bring them back or erase what happened."

Without hesitation, I grab his neck and slam him against the lockers. "Shut up!" My fist flies back, locked and engaged to hammer into his head.

"Go ahead," he chokes out. "Hit me."

I punch the locker door next to Mason's head, denting the metal. "Go home," I snarl. Releasing my hold, I step back to the sink and pick-up the bottle of antiseptic.

"You know, Trent ... You can treat everyone who cares about you like shit until they eventually quit trying." Lifting my gaze, I watch Mason's mirrored image walk towards the door. "One of these days, it might just work."

Left alone, my attention focuses back on my face. Battered and bleeding. Whether I'm fighting a shifter, vamp, fairy — they all bleed the same. Just like me. This disgust bubbles up from within and darkness closes in once again.

Shouting echoes through the hall.

My father's beta finding me and Clara in the safe-room.

Being forced to run from the palace.

The wolves cutting off our path at the edge of the forest.

Hearing Clara scream.

Sharp pain forces my mind back to the present and I'm looking at my now fractured reflection. My knuckles are still digging into the broken shards of glass and stream of red flows down the image of my bruised cheek.

And it's all I see.


Hey y'all! Welcome back to the pack. As always, thank you for reading. I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of Thea's Thereafter. So much has happened and I'm sure you have questions Please leave a comment and don't forget to vote. I will love you forever and like you for always!!

Please leave a comment and don't forget to vote. I will love you forever and like you for always!!

Musical inspiration for this chapter: Human by OMAM

Remember: Your words fuel mine! X O X O

Your friend and Supe-Fighter Referee,

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