Narry Storan

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    Being gay has and never will be easy. Although no one knows I am I always feel like they are slowly catching on to my little secret. I have never had a real relationship with a man before because I always fuck it up by saying I'm not ready to come out yet. My whole life is just pitiful. I'm 20 for god sakes and I'm still a virgin! When I was in high school I always tried to makeout with girls and try to trick myself into liking girls but it never worked. When I was on the football team I always changed in a closet and avoided looking into the changing rooms so I wouldn't be tempted to stare. My mom and dad are always on my arse about finding a girl but little do they know that the females species isn't appealing to me.

    I don't think I could ever tell my parents about me being gay. They might reject me. They will reject me.

    And right now the guy species hasn't been too appealing either. I haven't found a good guy to keep a relationship with in two years and the only one I want to be with happens to be famous. Niall Horan. His name gave me shivers.

    I have loved him since the beginning. His voice. His blue eyes. His hair. His laugh. His smile. His lips. I wish I could taste his lips. Just once. Although I have always wished these things and dreamt about them many times, I knew it could never happen because he is famous and straight.

    There is my life for you. Secrets and fantasies.

    As I opened the door to leave my flat I realised forgot my keys inside. When I turned the door knob it was locked. "Shit" I murmured under my breathe. Great way to start off my day.

    I went around my flat searching for an unlocked window or something so I could get back inside.

    Of coarse. The one day my parents leave early.

    I finally found an unlocked window and pulled myself inside. "Phewf" I said as I bent over resting my hands on my knees. "I gotta hit he gym more."

    I walked over to the counter and found my keys laying on top of it. I hurried outside not wanting to be later for work. I walked down the street towards the plaza and fixed my jacket around myself trying to keep warm.

    You wouldn't be this cold if you had a car.

    I shook my head trying to erase the fights I always have in my head and then quickened my pace so I wouldn't be late. I worked at a bakery only about 15 minutes walking distance from my house. The pay wasn't very good but it gave me something to do and I loved the ladies who worked there. "Hi. Sorry I'm late! Got locked out again." I said while taking off my coat and pulling on an apron over my head then tieing it. "It's quite alright Harry. Can you go start the first batch of muffins while I finish cleaning up?" Carroll asked me. I smiled then nodded walking towards the kitchen and popping the first batch. I then went the front of the store to sweep and wipe down the display case. *Ding ding* The little bell on the door we have chimed telling me we had a costumer. "Hello sir how m-" No way. I must be dreaming. No. Oh my god. It's him. It's really him. "Mate? Are you alright?" He asked me. I shook my head realizing this was actually happening.

    Be cool Harry. Don't scare him off.

    "S-sorry. Um.. How may I help you today?" I asked. "Can I have coffee with a bagle and cream cheese. And a piece of coffee cake!" He said smiling. "Yes of coarse! Anything for you Mr. Horan." He looked at me with a surprised expression on his face. "You know who I am yet you still haven't asked for a picture or autograph?" He said while leaning against the display case.

    "Well I figured your here to relax and just have breakfast so I didn't want to bombard you with questions" I said smiling. Good one Harry! I mentally high filed myself before he flashed his award winning smile making my heart almost jump out of my body. "Well thank you for that" He said.

    I smiled them started to make his order. As I handed him his coffee his fingers brushed over mine causing me to stiffen a little. Don't freak out Harry. Stay calm. "Thanks" He said before bringing the rim of the cup to his lips. I wish my lips were there. "Can I help you with something?" He asked me after catching me staring at him. Think Harry. Think.

    "Oh I just uhh... wanted to know if the coffee was too hot or too cold." Real smooth Idiot! "No it's perfect thank you." He said while pulling out his phone and looking at the time. " Hold on a sec." I went to the kitchen and grabbed his order. I handed it to him but before he left he turned to me and asked "Would you mind directing me to Nandos? I don't know the area very well." He said. His cheeks turned a light pink showing he was embarrassed to ask for directions. Awe! He is so cute when he blushes!  I chuckled a little then gave him directions. "Thank you very much" Then he left.

     Why did he have to leave so soon? Maybe I will see him again! It's a really small town! I was woken from my thoughts by the buzzer I set for the muffins going off.

    I walked towards the oven and brought the muffins out still thinking about Niall and all of his perfect features. His piercing blue eyes. His perfect white smile that make my knees weak from just one look. His giggle that makes me want to make him laugh all the time. His thick sexy deep Irish accent. The way his jeans fit around his perfect bum that I wish I could grab. I pulled myself out of my thoughts when I felt myself getting a little too excited and my pants getting a little tight. Good thing I have an apron on.

    God, If you can hear me. Please let me see him again.

    I started to replay our conversation in my head over and over again until I relized something.

    Why did he buy food here if he was on his way to nandos?

        ~Hey guys! I leaked it a little too early. Whoops! Sorry not sorry! Hope you all ship Narry because I'm a hard core Narry shipper! I love it so much! If you don't ship Narry then change the names in your head and imagine it's the two people you ship! Haha! Comment and Vote! ~

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