Cybelline studied the woman for a long moment, "That's very nice of you. And you have done a lot for me." She smiled, "But I'm guessing you want something from me."

Ophea nodded seriously, "In return for helping you to save this family, I ask that you help save my people and keep my ...our greatest secret."

"Where is your family?" Cybelline asked. Ophea smiled, "When we lost the war against the humans and our Queen had died, we knew that without the source, our people would die out within a few hundred years. We could not defeat the Lady of Light, she was as powerful as our Queen. So we saved those that we could with the strongest magic we had. We First Blood were greatly weakened by the spell."

Ophea raised a hand, and a book flew out of the tall tower and into the air in front of her. "What the Lady of Light did not know was that when she locked me in the tower, I found the best place to hide my people. But their mages wiped the memory from my mind, when they could not get it out of me. But now, I remember."

The book opened to reveal a rose with a tightly closed bud, it was half bent on itself, its bud almost touching the book, "I hid my people in these flowers and these flowers in the books."

"And who did you save?" Cybelline asked quietly. Ophea looked at the barely alive bud, "I am the lady of the Fire Fae, I saved my court. My soldiers" She smiled sadly, "I was able to save some of the people in the city, but alas, not enough."

"They were not as important?" Cybelline asked gently. Ophea nodded.

Silence followed, Ophea did not know what she had said wrong.

Ophea pointed to the flower, "These flowers produce healing properties, if I planted them around the coffins, the gentle magic will heal your family."

"And Miri? the child?" Ryion asked  her brows furrowed, Ophea smiled, "I will save her too, she is a little halfing, I will make her a flower bud from my own blood, with my blood she will heal." She smiled apologetically, "It will take time, but she will be fine."

"Once the flower blooms, the fae inside it will awaken." Ophea said her voice filled with quiet excitement, "If you let me borrow some of your power, I can wake them all in a few years."

Then, she knelt in front of Cybelline, "You are the future I have dreamed but never dared to hope. When Titania died, i thought that our people would die as well. The Dark Fae chosen to follow the Shadow Prince, our very own brothers and sisters of the Night Court had turned against us. The First Blood had been killed, it has been so many years that I had wished for death, so that the secret died with me. But you, you can save us all. In this land of yours, you can give my people a home."

There was fire in her eyes, "You can avenge the deaths of the fae who have perished in the hands of the Lady of Light. This is what I ask of you, to let me borrow your magic to awaken my people." She looked up at Cybelline, "I will help guide you, create an army for you, and you will be the next Queen of the Fae.Or the world of that is your wish."

Cybelline reached out her hand as if to offer it to Ophea and then paused.

Cybelline looked at the woman, "Kneeling really doesn't suit you or anyone in your family for that matter. Get up." She suddenly remembered why Ophea looked familiar.

Ophea looked shocked, "You haven't agreed. You won't save my...your people? You are fae too, don't you care about them?"

"Back up." Cybelline frowned, "I didn't make all of these messes, but you're trying to guilt me into cleaning them?" She looked at Ophea, "Tell me, the war between humans and fae. Who started it?"

Ophea bit her lip, "The humans...a woman named Kyria. She went mad one day and killed the king of her country. She took power and declared war on all fae. She was a horrible creature, jealous of the fae power and so very evil."

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