"Who even asked you?" Ethan deadpanned.

"Well, you had no idea why you're here. So she told you" I shrugged, getting bored of his defensive attitude. He stared at me, intently.

"You think you're so smart, don't you?" He asked me, still staring. I let out a loud laugh, never once looking away from him. I could practically feel how much I was getting on his nerves.

"And you think you're so badass, don't you?" I snickered, deciding to mess with him some more.

Alisa's eyes darted from me to Ethan countless times before she finally spoke up."Guys, let's all calm the atmosphere in here. This is a place of understanding and support, not judgment and negativity. We don't talk like that here..." She said, calmly. Wow, Alisa. You're no fun.

"I don't see the point of this whole thing. I mean, it's not like anyone here actually talks about the shit going on inside their head" Ethan grunted, taking out a cigarette and lighting it straight away. I watched as he placed it between his lips. What a dumb addiction.

"Ok, enough!" Alisa stood up. I watched as she made her way across the room to take the small pieces of paper from her desk. She then began handing them out to everyone.

"Now, everyone can write down anything that's on their mind, on this piece of paper," She lifted up one of the papers, making sure everyone could see. "Or just what you guys feel about something that's going on in your life at the moment..." She explained. 

I took one and raised my eyebrow at her. Did she watch some online courses on support group activities or something?  We've never done something like this before. All we usually did was talk shit about all the teachers and students. Okay, we also occasionally cried about our home life.

"It will stay completely anonymous unless you want to reveal that those are your thoughts" She added, sitting down gracefully.

I huffed, staring at the pen and paper in my hands. I guess if it stays anonymous, it wouldn't hurt to talk some of my shit out. I finished writing the short paragraph and cringed.Am I really going to let someone read this?

Before handing it to Alisa, I read over it quickly, feeling a wide range of emotions. I've never talked about this with anyone. Ever. I guess I'm technically not going to right now either, because it's anonymous.But I think it's a step forward.

I was never one to feel scared.However, when someone has their hands wrapped around your throat, it's kind of not a choice anymore.It's nothing like getting cracked ribs, having bruised patches all over your body, watching a cigarette burn through your skin, or anything else physically painful.It's way worse.It's like, knowing that someone has the power to end your life.Just like thatHe's got your life in his hands.

I folded it up countless times just like everyone else did and threw it into the little bag that Alisa held out for me. "Now I'll walk around the circle and everyone will pull a piece of paper out. Then you'll read it. Keep in mind, this stays anonymous. We'll just talk about what's written and maybe we'll even try to analyze the given situation. Maybe even try to give some advice! But remember, respect the person who wrote the note. No negativity please!" Alisa explained thoroughly. Oh no.

She motioned for Rachel (the emo girl) to pull a piece of paper out of the bag.

"Sometimes, when I see him laughing or smiling...I wonder- Why can't I move on? Why is he living his best life without me? I still cry myself to sleep every night, remembering the words he used to say and the way he used to care about me. Yet there he is, happy as ever" Rachel read, cringing really hard. I looked around the classroom and found a very uncomfortable girl with light brown hair and square frame glasses. Oh this is easy. A nice game of guess who.

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