T w e n t y - F i v e : Friend Date #2

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c h a p t e r  t w e n t y - f i v e

s t o r y  s t a t u s / o n g o i n g

Song / The Wallows ft Clario
Are you bored yet 🙆‍♀️🏽

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"Should I wear these or these?" I asked, both hands spread out in front of me. Charlie's eyes were staring intensely at both bottoms. I was holding up a high waisted denim skirt and on my right hand Mom jeans. I didn't know what to wear because I was indecisive when Cameron asked me where I wanted to go so he suggested I'd think of three places and he'd pick which one we'd go to.

  Now I feel like a nincompoop for not deciding on something, now I had to muster hard and long on what to wear because all the three places I had decided on had different dress requirements. I don't know why I suggested the beach, arcade, and then a drive-in. I paced back and forth with both items at hand, then Charlie took hold of one of them.

    "What about this one?" He questioned, his eyes scanning the demine skirt in his hand. I cocked my head aside. It had been a long time since I wore that, it was still winter but at the moment the temperature here in Florida was in the late sixties. It rarely got chilly anyways.

    I glanced down at the Mom jeans and chewed down on my lip in thought. I guess I could try something different for once, I had worn those jeans quite often I guess I should give them a break. I put the skirt over my figure as I trailed over to the mirror. I tilted my head to aside, I guess this could work. It didn't look bad, I could pair it with a tee-shirt. I was going for a "I tried but not hard enough for a friend date" type of look.

I glanced back at my brother from the mirror's reflection and said, "Thanks, Charlie!"

He waved me off and continued to play on the PS4 which he hooked up to my t.v because quoting his words, I was taking more than an hour to pick out an outfit.

"So, what shirt should I wear?" I questioned, scanning all the t-shirts I had laid out on my bed.

Charlie groaned in agony then licked his Cheeto dust-covered fingertips. "I told you an hour ago to go with the skirt and it took you long to go with it, now it's up to you to pick out the shirt, I'm done. Do all girls take this long to get ready?" He complained, with rolling eyes.

I ripped the bag of Cheetos from his hand and threw a napkin at him. "I just need help and your approval. Plus no eating on my bed!"

He scoffed. "Fine, but why do you need my help. Why can't you ask Aster?"

Aster was busy being Aster, I didn't want to bother her because she was getting ready for her two year anniversary with Sebastian. "She's busy."

There was a long pause, his eyes drilled steeply into the gaming universe until he died and looked up. "Ugh Fine!"

He pointed down at a Guardian's Of The Galaxy shirt. "Wear this, and please don't think for a long hour before putting it on," He stated, annoyance lingering in his voice.

I did what he said, sometimes Charlie acted like the older sibling, he gave great advice at times. Even though we didn't show it much we cared deeply for each other. I could even say that I talked about my feeling and advice more than I have ever with Aster. I went into the bathroom to put on the shirt my brother had suggested for me then applied mascara, light blush, and shimmery lip gloss. Then I contemplated whether or not to straighten my hair. I didn't want to look like I tried so hard to appeal to him but I also didn't want him thinking I didn't take this friendship seriously. I groaned this was so frustrating!

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