T w o : Locker Room Nudity

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c h a p t e r t w o

s t o r y s t a t u s /  o n g o i n g

s o n g / T h e 1 9 7 5 :

S e t t e l  D o w n

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        I was naked and afraid....not like the television show where there are nude people who have to hobble around the forest for a month without food and clothes. I literally mean naked on the ice cold tile floors of the isolated shower room and nothing but a towel. Out of all the days, I denied a shower I choose today to take one. The day of the end of the semester that is, where Westfield high picks their next victim to humiliate. There goes tradition...why did it have to be me though?!?! Why today, a day so cold like this one? I wanted to banish whoever did this to me.

       I mustered every possible way to leave without anyone detecting my presence, which again would be hard to achieve because who could possibly ignore a nude girl wearing nothing but a towel? I slapped the locker with my forehead before going over my only two options. Either I'd take a risk with the front door which leads with the main hall during the last bell or the back door which led to the gym court.

          I didn't think twice, I went with plan B and held my breath before saying my last prayers and opening the back door. While holding the towel close to my body and covering my face with a magazine I had in my locker, for some reason it was titled;" Dr.Oz's guide to remove neck wrinkles." At least it was something to cover my face from this misery and embarrassment I was going through.

      The air rose up my exposed body parts as I pranced down the court hoping nobody was present. But oh boy was I affirmatively wrong. Whistles and howls were heard from my left causing my body to jump and almost lose the grip on the magazine.

        "Hey, it looks like you need help." One said with quite the smirk lingering in 'whom-ever's it was face'. I huffed raising the finger and rushing as fast as I could from the court. It was a humiliating success but at least no one saw who I was. Next thing I knew I had bumped into a broad chest causing "Dr.oz" magazine to go flying from my grasp.

           Again, I spoke too soon. "Woah, Woah," A familiar voice called out.

       I glanced up at the skyscraper-like figure hovering over to realize it was Sebastian in the flesh.

       My face grew pale. "Uh...." I couldn't make up words to explain to him my situation. The level of embarrassment I was in was breaking the scale of a hundred. My cheeks were fire truck red. Maybe if I squeezed my eyes tight enough I would just make him disappear, but of course that was inconceivable.

       "Lanny?" He asked, whether or not to looked amused or shocked. His mouth was open and his eyes tried their best to avoid looking from the shoulders down.

      "Look there's no time for this, let's just go!" I squealed running in place due to the thirty-degree weather.

        He regained mobility at my words, grabbing my hand and pulling me over to his parked silver Nissan. So many people stopped and stared at me, I felt so violated by their eyes. I got in the car covering my face. I didn't want to be in this situation especially with Sebastian my best friend's boyfriend. My teeth chattered at how cold I was, I wouldn't be surprised if I were on the verge of getting hypothermia. I wrapped whatever was on the seat around me trying to regain warmth.

        Sebastian stepped on the gas and cleared his throat as soon as we were out of sight.

         "So do you care to explain what the hell happened back there?" He questioned with anger lingering in his voice.

      I chuckled nervously before answering. "I was the end of semester victim," I murmured under my breath.

             "And how did you let that happen?" He asked, wanting to know the answer to the obvious question.

           I rolled my eyes. "I was showering after gym class and those heathens took my clothes!"

         He laughed at me with a grin smeared on his lips. "Of course these things happen to you."

           What the hell was that suppose to mean?! The environment grew uncomfortably silent as Sebastian proceeded to drive down the road that leads to my house. Again silence always leads my thought to get loud. I looked at him through the corner of my eye. Sebastian Lee was, in other words a complicated humanoid. He used to be such a close friend of mine in tenth grade, way before he found an interest in sports.

            But things just change and life happens, he was my ride or die at the time. We would tell each other everything, except the time I avoided telling Sebastian I was madly in love with him, after a few months of staling to tell him I had finally gotten the courage to face him but he had to tell me something important as well, I stupidly thought he was going to say he liked me but oh boy was I wrong. That was the day he and Aster started dating, it was also the day I started to avoid him at any means to get him off my mind.

         But I guess things just don't work that way. He is such an angelic looking Korean male, his eyes were like drops of chocolate honey and his smile was brighter than the northern star. I felt like I fell deeper in love with him every time I stared into his eyes. Everything about him drove me crazy, his laugh would make dragons fight in my stomach, (I know weird expression but it was the undeniable truth. )And every time his Adam's apple would hit against his throat it'd give me the urge of planning on doing so many things to him in my mind.

         But, he was Aster's boyfriend and I couldn't possibly do that to my best friend. I gulped at just the thought of our friendship ending over my silly thoughts. I just had to keep avoiding him after this. I've made it this far, I can keep this up. He parked by my one story home as a sigh escaped his lungs.

       I tightened his hoodie around me, covering as much of my flesh as I possibly could. A solid 35% percent was hidden. "Thanks for taking me home."

        He turned towards me. "No problem," He said, soon after staring off into space.

        Sebastian Lee was quite the confusion. I was never able to read his expressions or tell what he was thinking about when we used to be close friends, it's even harder nowadays when I barely even talked to him.

        "Well I gotta go now, bye," I said quickly, taking this as an opportunity to leave the car. I went to open the car door but his warm fingers pried at my hand sending electricity firing up my whole body.

       I turned back, meeting his gaze. "Lanny, you know if you need anything I'm here for you, I'll always be here for you no matter what."

           My heart warmed at his words. I knew that would be impossible but I nodded at his words to finish off here faster. I didn't need more time with him then I've already had. "Yeah sure, thanks again. Well, I do gotta go, see you around." I informed right before getting out of the car and closing the door behind me and leaving his words in his mouth. A huge sigh of relief left my lips. Turning on my feet I headed inside, not looking back even once as I cursed at myself for being such a train wreck.

Lanny, what the hell is wrong with you?

A u t h o r ' s N o t e

If you guys are wondering why I put song titles at the beginning of the story it's because those are songs I listen to while I'm writing this story. Lol yeah I listen to music and write it motivates me. Hope you guys are enjoying my story. Please keep commenting and voting, I really appreciate it!


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