N i n e t e e n : Haircut & Favors

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c h a p t e r  n i n e t e e n

s t o r y  s t a t u s / o n g o i n g

s o n g / Juicy Sweatsuits ⛹🏻‍♀️💦:

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     It's been exactly a week since we got back from the unforgettable camping trip. All I've been doing recently is daze off into the memories we made while having fun, there were some rough patches at the beginning but through time and adjusting I let loose and had so much fun especially with...Cameron. I had completely forgotten about my affection for Sebastian, it all faded. I didn't see him and melt instantly or feel dragons fight in my stomach anymore.

     But withdrawing from that came with a price. The reason for loosing all interest in Sebastian was Cameron's sweet filled smile, generosity, and gorgeous eyes that made my heart melt in a single heart beat. I had to accept the fact that I kinda had a little...crush on Cameron Wilson. Daydreaming about him was a habit now, one which I couldn't live without.

      But what ruined me was the fact that he hasn't talked to me since the trip. I was too big of a coward to text him because we were just 'friends' nothing more or less. I couldn't cross that line by texting him everyday. I wanted him to do it first but then again maybe our intimate conversation meant nothing in absolute to him, I was still that 'obnoxious judgmental chick who went a blind date with him.' I doubted he saw me like something more.

      I sighed profoundly, shoving my text books effortlessly into my locker which smelled of stale cheese-it's for some reason. It was a long agonizing day for me, thought I doze off more than enough times to remember anything specific my teachers were talking about, I was sure all my homework was going to come back and haunt me but it was inevitable for my thoughts to take over me.

             I adjusted the bag strap on my shoulder before passing through the hall filled with swarming teenagers. As soon I excited the building the nice afternoon air nibbled onto my face, something I needed to cool me down from this heated week, It was homework after homework and projects after another all preparation for finals coming in two months.

My teachers were strict for no reason everyone was going to have fried brains when finals come around.I trailed over to the sidewalk in search of Aster and her KIA but I had no luck. I wanted to see if she could possibly drive me home because walking would be torture for me, at gym we all had to do a hundred squats.

My phone buzzed in my bag. I pulled it out and my stomach felt unsteady, something I hadn't felt before, it was weird. Cameron's name showed up on my screen with a message underneath.

Cameron : Look ahead
Sent 2:35pm

      I looked up from my screen with confused eyes. A familiar car drove up next to me, window receding as it revealing a smug Cameron with sunglasses on the tip of his nose and eyes blaring into mine with humor.

        "Hey there, girl I've never met before would you like a ride?" He chipped, he could be goofy at the most unimaginable moments. It was something delightful that I went along with.

       Crossing my arms over my chest I squint my eyes at him. "Hmm, I don't know I'll have to think about it boy I've never met before."

       A chuckle seeped from his lips. "What do I have to do to change your mind?"

      I propped a finger on my chin, acting like I was deep in thought. "You don't have to do anything at all," I replied,smiling at him while I opened the passenger door of his car.

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