i wanna end up with you

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Austin sees his brunette best friend talking to her track teammate as he leaves his last period of the day and grins.

They had been friends for as long as they could remember. Austin was more of the chill, quiet type while Ally was more outgoing and social, but their differences made them collide in way and they fit each other perfectly. To Austin, Ally was just an amazing person and girl to even talk to. He was lucky enough to be her best.

As Austin approaches her, her friends are just bidding her goodbye. He's kind of happy. Her team was full of nice people but he wasn't really the social type. "Hey, Ally."

She turns from grabbing her backpack from out of her locker and grins. "Hey," she greets as she closes her locker. "Can you please drive me to my dance session? It totally went passed my mind that I had an assessment today."

Ally also did a lot of things. Dance, cheer, vollyball, track, volunteer work... everything you could think of. Austin was simply in a debate club; he wasn't the athletic type.

"Yeah, sure." He agrees with a smile.

"Thank you so much!" She exclaims, reaching up to kiss his cheek.

His cheeks lightly redden, and he just slightly nods as they walk to his car.

Did he also mention he had a bit of a crush on her? And by 'a bit of a crush', he meant head over heels in love with her. There wasn't a thing in the world he could love more than Ally, in a every way possible.

But Ally wouldn't never see him more than her nerdy best friend, and he would take that.

Ally giggles as she watches her best friend rehearse his debate. He was so nervous about everything that she found it cute and amusing.

Austin still frowns as her. "Ally, please. This is my first time leading a debate. I'm nervous."

Her amused smile doesn't drop, though. She simply stands up from his bed, and goes to grab his torso. "You need more stage presence and confidence," she speaks, pulling her arms away and straightening him. "Sit up straight, and just be sure of your words. Try not to look at your cards too much."

He frowns at her. "That's easy for you to do, but not me. I'm not you."

"Don't compare yourself to me," Ally speaks, hugging his torso once more. "You're you, and that's how I know you can do it. Just take a deep breath, look at your cards, and start over."

Ally goes back to sit on his bed as he does as she instructs. He looks back at her with a light smile and starts recoting. "Hello. As you all may know, I'm Austin Moon, and today I will be leading the debate of whether self diagnoses can be better than a doctor's."

He glances at his cards once more then looks back up Ally, who was giving him her undivided attention. "One side argues seeking help from doctors is toxic, and will lead to unnecessary medication dosages and worse future symptoms. The other believes doctors only, uh..." he pause for a moment, looking back down at the cards. He flips it over, and reads the rest. "Doctors only want the best for a person's well being and... damn, I can't read my own handwriting."

She giggles once more, and he smiles as well, too. "Try again. You're almost there."

"If she finishes this one first, that'll make her first place in nationals," Ally's mother says to her husband and Austin. "She won't stop talking about this for months."

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