Chapter 31

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Bree: oh my god you’re pregnant too!

Kim: yeah *smiles*

Bree: I cant believe we got pregnant at the same time!

Chase: how about we have a little contest

Jack: what kind of contest?

Chase: we bet who will give birth first

Jack: deal. Its on

Me and Kim just laugh. What kind of contest is that?

Bree: do what you want but me and Kim aren’t going to bet on that

Kim: yeah

Bree: but if you’re making it a bet, put money on it

Chase: you’re right. What do you say Jack, 50 bucks?

Jack: you’re on

Kim: what are we going to do with you two? *laughs*

Jack: you could..kiss them

Chase: works for me. Shall we Jack.

Jack: we shall

Chase turned me around in his arms while Jack did the same with Kim and kissed us. I thought it was going to be a peck and then we would start laughing, well me and Kim.. I was wrong haha they are serious about it. It’s like both Chase and Jack are trying to beat each other or something. And I don’t know why. Well Chase deepened the kiss and put his hands on my lower back. Of course we would continue but its kinda awkward kissing/making out in front of your best friends, even though they are doing the same thing. So I slowly pulled away.

Chase(whispers): whats wrong?

what am I supposed to say? I just tilted my head looking at him confused. What is he trying to do? Eh. Suddenly I don’t care anymore, I don’t know what came over me. Its not like anyone is going to see us. You don’t kiss with your eyes open, that would just be weird. It’s like Chase being competitive with Jack made me want to kiss him. Of course I always want to ;) but like not caring what he’s doing or something. I know I’ll figure it out later so why ruin the silence when we could be doing something.

By the time I pulled him back in to continue Jack and Kim were deepening it so since I don’t want to see that, same with Chase, we just left the room. Seems like they are claiming the couch. If only they knew what me and Chase did on that thing last night. Haha. I don’t know if it’s because of the pregnancies but all I know is that something is happening. What is this apartment doing to people?! Lol ;P

I have missed being able to pull him in close, as close as possible. That’s one of the only downside about being pregnant. I think Chase likes it how we cuddle and kiss more than usual. I don’t know why either of us worried that the other wouldn’t feel the same way a long time ago. Look at where we are at now. Heck, I’m pregnant with his child! Who could have seen that coming. Ha probably Jack and Kim.

I messed with his naturally spikey hair while he had his hands placed protectively on my hips, just moving in perfect rhythm. But don’t worry nothing happened. Same with Jack and Kim. No clothes came off. We gotta learn to do something else but this, as much fun as it is.

We ended up spending the entire day with Jack and Kim.

Im in the bathroom thinking, I have no idea how long I have been in here. Im just sitting on the floor. I never realized it before, it has been stuck in my head for a while now. It isn’t something to worry about but I cant help it.

My first kiss was a joke..

I know he liked me, but he did it because of a prank. He would never have kissed me if it wasn’t for that. Just then Kim came in

Kim: there you are Bree...what’s wrong?

I didn’t answer and I looked back down.

Kim: Bree?

Bree: it was a joke..

Kim: what was a joke?

Bree: my first kiss

Kim: what are you talking about?

Bree: my first kiss was a joke.

Kim: wasn’t it with Chase?

Bree: yeah..

Kim: what about it was a joke?

Bree: you don’t remember

Kim: no

Bree: it was when we pulled that prank on Chase-

Kim: ohh. How was that a joke

Bree: he only kissed me because of the prank

Kim: he kissed you because he liked you

Bree: I know he liked me but he wouldn’t have kissed me if we didn’t do that

Kim: you don’t know that

Kim: ok is there anything else wrong?

At that point I just burst into tears and Kim wrapped her arms around me.

Kim: Bree what is it?

Bree: im scared..

Kim: do you want me to get Chase?

Bree: no! don’t. I don’t want to worry him.

Chase’s pov

I was talking to Jack until I heard my name with my bionic hearing. So I shushed Jack.

Kim: do you want me to get Chase?

Bree: no! don’t. I don’t want to worry him.

Chase: Jack did you hear that?

Jack: hear what?

Chase: oh bionic hearing sorry. Its Bree..

Jack: what happened?

Chase: all I heard was Kim asking Bree to go get me and Bree sort of shouted no, she doesn’t want me to worry

Jack: worry about what?

Chase: I don’t know. I want to give her space but I also want to be there for her. Dude, what do I do?!

Jack: I think you should go in there


After that I ran into the bathroom where I heard Bree and Kim’s voices with Jack right behind me.

Kim: Chase I don’t know what to do

I sat down next to Bree and set her in my lap with my arms wrapped around her. We sat in silence other then her slight sobbing because I know she doesn’t like to talk about things when crying. I cant stand having Bree unhappy! Earlier everything was fine and now she’s crying..? im supposed to keep her happy..but I failed. What could have happened in the past hour? Her crying makes me want to cry. After awhile, by the time Jack and Kim left the room to give us privacy, Bree had stopped crying and sobbing and had her head on my chest. I kissed the top of her head while enjoying the sound of her heartbeat.I feel like it’s the only thing keeping me alive. She can tell me when she’s ready, but I will always be there.

Chase: Bree?

Bree: ..yeah

Chase: can we talk about it

Bree: y-yeah..

Chase: so what happened?

Bree: im scared..

Chase: of what?

She looked into my eyes

Bree: the pregnancy..

Chase: everything is going to be fine. You shouldn’t worry.

Bree: im talking about giving birth..

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