Final Chapter: 38

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Bree and Kim were sleeping in Bree's room and Janelle and Ally are in the guest room. 

Kim: hey Bree?

Bree: yeah

Kim: when was the last time you and Chase you know..

She only asked that because she was going to be sleeping in their bed. 

Bree: the sheets have been changed. 

They both went to sleep, Bree on Chase's side and Kim on Bree's side. the morning

around 6 am Tasha had been calling Bree to make sure she was awake because she would be there at 8. She left a bunch of voicemail's. 

Bree woke up at 7 and looked at her alarm clock and her eyes shot wide open

Bree: omg! Kim wake up

She sat up in bed and turned to Kim and shook her. 

Kim: what?!

Bree: we over slept by an hour! Tasha will be here in an hour. Wake the girls up and I'll make us all breakfast 

Kim: ok, on it

...with the guys when they woke up. At the Davenport's

Tasha: Donald go wake up the guys and make sure they get up. I need to go make sure the girls are up because Bree didn't answer any of my calls. 

Donald: ok, ok. I'll make sure they start getting ready, and yes I will give them the list you gave me 


Mr Davenport goes down the hallway to the boys and shakes Chase. 

Donald: Chase, you guys need to get ready. If I can't text Tasha that I got you guys up, she'll kill both of us. Use this list so you guys know what to do 

Mr Davenport gives Chase the list and then wakes Leo up so he can get Adam up. 

Donald: Leo wake Adam up so you both can get ready, if you don't know what to do, ask Chase

He leaves the room and Leo tries to wake up Adam and nothing happened, so he ended up throwing his pillow at Adam really hard to try to wake him up. 

Adam: ergh.. what the hell Leo! 

Adam threw the pillow back at Leo and he almost fell on Jack since Chase hadn't waken him up yet. And with Adam's bionic strength, it didn't feel like just a soft pillow. 

Chase: quit messing around! and get up! I will not have you guys messing around at my wedding! You hear me!

Chase wasn't a threatening guy to Adam or Leo but he can be when he wants to. Chase woke up Jack and they all read the list and started getting ready. and Chase texted Mr Davenport saying "we are all up and getting ready" 

...Back with the girls

They had all eaten breakfast and taken their showers and then Tasha knocked on the door. 

Bree was still in the bathroom so Kim went to get the door. 

Kim: I'll get it!

Tasha: hey, you all up?

Kim: yeah, we all ate and took showers. And Bree is still in the bathroom but I think she'll be out any minute. 

Tasha: ok good


Everyone got into their separate cars, as in, the guys in theirs and the girls in theirs. The drivers drove them down to the beach. 

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