After The Wedding special: 39

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Bree looked at Chase and smiled as Mr Davenport gave them the key card that would enable them to get onto the hydro loop that would get them on one of his private islands. Bree wanted to leave the after-party in that moment but she knew they couldn't do that.

Bree: Chase, I think we should talk to Kim

Chase: Why?

Bree: about what happened earlier

He nodded now understanding what she was talking about and they walked over to Kim who sat down with the others.

Kim: Bree, Chase, I'm sorry!

Bree: Kim stop, it's okay

Kim: It's just that I felt Charlotte-

Bree: Charlotte?

Bree grabbed Chase's hand.

Kim: we were going to tell you later, but Jack and I found out the sex early and decided to name our baby Charlotte in honor of..

Bree had tears in her eyes as she looked up at Chase. Not because of the baby she lost, because Jack and Kim were naming their baby in honor of her and Chase's baby that they were going to name Charlotte..

Kim: I didn't mean to interrupt but it just kinda happened..


After the party ended and Bree and Chase were already at the island, they were on the large balcony looking over the ocean. Everything was perfect in life again. Nothing to disrupt their lives like before.

With the peaceful noises of the shores and waters Bree closed her eyes briefly, taking it all in. All Chase did was watch his now wife instead of the sunset. Typical, just like every time before whenever he saw her.

Bree: what's next with our lives? High schools done, we are on our own, and we are married. What's next?

Chase: we have done everything haven't we?

Bree: yeah.. everything

She was referring to her lost child, they had already done that part of their lives and she wasn't planning on trying that again for a while.

They both went back inside and to their temporary bed room for the honeymoon.

The bed was in the middle against the wall, the TV was across the room on the right of the right and the front of the room was a big window so they'd see the sun from there.

They both thought when they first got together, that it was the start of their lives. But now, they realize that their lives didn't really start until now.

But enough of that, they both enjoyed the honeymoon and Bree and Chase mostly ended up watching Disney on the TV. They finally got home and it felt like soon afterwards they got a phone call from Jack to meet them at the hospital.

Bree: Kim, how are you feeling?

Kim: it hurts, but I'm fine. So how was the honeymoon?

They smiled, of course Kim would ignore the pain and want to know how our lives are.

Chase: it was great.

Bree: yeah, and we ended up mostly watching Disney Channel

Kim: it sounds like something I would do

Jack looked at her and smiled, the only reason they weren't married was because their parents still think they are too young to get married, which is true, but as long as they are happy.

The time seemed to have gone past fast and slow at the same time, Bree and Chase decided to leave the room while it happened and wait for someone to call them in. And after what felt like forever, Jack had came out and found us to bring us back in to meet Charlotte. Bree held Chase's hand as they walked back into the private hospital room.

Kim: this is Charlotte

Jack: Charlotte Chloe Brewer

Kim: and we wanted you guys to be her godparents..

Bree and Chase's lives have already begun, and know has Jack and Kim's.


So I started this in the beginning of the year with the intention of making it kinda long, but unfortunately that didn't happen, I had also wanted to publish this on my 16th birthday back in April. I thought it would be cool or special or whatever but it never happened, I figured I shouldn't have felt bad because nobody knew about this. I was going to delete it, but then I thought that since I had tried to put a lot of work and time into this then maybe it wasn't worth it to delete it. I thought about this for a long time but since you all loved the story so much, maybe you wouldn't care how bad this was, also considering the story has been over for over a year. And speaking of, the 3 year anniversary of the story was yesterday (8/21/13) and I made a new cover of it today so it really made me want to just post this :) Although I doubt that many of you still even have this in your library anymore.. HOPE YOU ENJOYED

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