Chapter 13

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Chase: no no no, not really break up

Bree: what? *slightly sniffles*

Chase: we should fake break up

Bree: *hits Chase's arm really hard* dont scare me like that

Chase: you know I wouldnt actually break up with you

Bree: *smiles* you should have worded it differently

Chase: yeah maybe I should have, sorry, you know that hurt when you hit me

Bree: that's what you get for scaring me half to death

Chase: ok ok I guess I deserved that

Bree: ok we need a plan

Chase: just to get them to leave us alone, then we can move in together somewhere away from here

Bree: yeah, I guess I can wait that long

Chase: man this is going to be hard

Bree: we have been through so much, we can do this

Chase: that's right, ok on with the plan

Bree: should we do it in public

Chase: maybe not too public

Bree: why

Chase: we could both have people after us, and that's the last thing we need

Bree: right, than where

Chase: because school is over I dont know

Bree: ok what if I text some of my friends that you broke up with me and word will get around, and I can fake cry and stuff

Chase: that could work, like Jack and Kim

Bree: yeah, should I do that right now

Chase: yeah but how long do you think we would have to keep this up?

Bree: I guess until we here something from Donna or something that she is going to stop bothering us, she did say that she would stop once we broke up

Bree/Kim text messages

Kim I really need to talk to you

what's wrong

Chase broke up with me


Yeah :(

why would he ever break up with you

I dont know, maybe he couldn't handle Donna

she's still trying to break you two up

yeah well she won

its going to be okay

how do you know

I have been through this before

you have

yeah, it was before Jack

and what did you do

well first I let myself cry, ate a bunch of ice cream, and when I was calm I got revenge

well I did the first already but I dont think im done

I dont blame you, I thought that he was your soul mate

I did too, but I guess Donna was right

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