chapter 29

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Leo: you’re what! *spits out his food*

Adam: didn’t you listen, she’s pregnant duh..wait what!

Mr Davenport: how long have you known

Chase: three months…

Mr Davenport: you have known three months and didn’t tell us!

Chase: are you mad?

Mr Davenport: of course we aren’t mad, but you should have told us. We have to talk about the baby because of your bionics

Bree: what about our bionics?!

Mr Davenport: because we took out your chips and its in your DNA we have to worry about if the baby gets bionics. What if the baby gets superspeed and runs

Chase: cant you design a crib or something that you cant use bionics in. and that’s only if the baby gets bionics.

Mr Davenport: its possible that if the baby gets bionics that it will only have supersmarts

Adam: ya Chase! High five! *puts his hand up*

Chase: for what?

Adam: for Bree, the baby. Nobody would ever think you would have a kid

Chase: really, you have to insult me for everything

Leo: Chase he’s never going to get used to this

Mr Davenport: Bree, Chase can you both come down to the lab with me

Bree: sure

Chase: what for

Mr Davenport: to check and make sure everything is healthy

…*in the lab

Mr Davenport: Eddy I need you to scan Bree’-

Eddy: Chase if you’re gonna get her pregnant just do it already!

Chase: I already did *smirks*

Mr Davenport: I need you to scan Bree so we can see if the baby is healthy and how things are doing

Eddy: fine *scans Bree*

Mr Davenport: ok everything is going perfectly fine we will need to scan you every month until you give birth just to be safe

Bree: does that mean we shouldn’t go to the doctors

Mr Davenport: I mean you can go because the baby wont have a chip they shouldn’t find out about bionics. But I should be able to find out if the baby will have bionics when you are 5 months pregnant

Chase: Bree, its getting late. Maybe we should go

Mr Davenport: one last thing, for the babys safety don’t use your bionics unless you have to.

Bree: thank you mr davenport

Mr Davenport: it’s the least I can do. I have always wanted a grandkid and I know I wont get one from Adam and Leo’s too young

Chase: how many do you want? *smirks*

Bree: Chase! *hits his arm* omg what am I going to do with you

Chase: you could kiss me *points to his cheek*

Bree’s pov

I acted like I was about to kiss him, I put my hand on his cheek and he closed his eyes and smiled. So then I just said no and walked out of the lab

Leo: what are you smiling about?

Bree: oh you’ll see in about 3..2..1-

Chase: Bree it was a joke

Leo: ohhh

Adam: better get the popcorn

Bree: I know it was a joke. You did it in 10th grade. You were sad and disappointed when I wouldn’t kiss you

Adam: haha wow Chase

Leo: what happened after that

Bree: we had a bet. I bet that he couldn’t go a day without kissing me

Chase: and I won

Bree: you’re so cheesy

Chase: so you’re not mad

Bree: ill answer that as soon as you tell them what just happened in the lab

Chase: ok fine. Mr Davenport said he has always wanted a grandkid and he wasn’t going to get one out of you two. And I joked around and asked how many he wanted

Leo: why would you say something like that

Adam: and you thought I was the dumb one

Chase: I don’t know I wasn’t thinking

He tried wrapping his arms around me but I moved out of his grasp. Pretending to be mad at him is kinda fun. And by the looks of it, I think Adam and Leo were enjoying watching us ‘fight’.

Chase: come on Bree, you can’t be mad at me for that

Im not mad. Im actually scared. I never actually put any thought about giving birth until now. I’m going to be scared for the next few months. Maybe I should talk to Tasha..

I decided to keep the little ‘show’ going, not for long though. For every step that he took closer to me I took a step back. I know what he’s doing. He’s gonna corner me against the wall. And once he did he put his hands on both sides of me trapping me in. He leaned in close but not too close because of my baby bump, and leaned close to my ear

Chase(whispered): I know you’re not mad at me, if you were you would have stopped this already. You wanna put on a show. Follow my lead

Oh my god he making me shiver again.

Chase: its getting late, I think we are gonna go

chase’s pov

Bree: and why are you deciding for me

Chase: are you still mad about earlier?

Bree: hm I don’t know. You asked mr Davenport how many grandkids he wanted, shouldn’t I be the one who decides that

Chase: hmmm I think we should get going

Bree ‘disagrees’ and I pick her up but very carefully cause of the baby and I ‘drag’ her out of the house

Leo: soooo..

Adam: video games?

Leo: video games.

Chase: you never answered my question for real, are you mad

Bree: no, its just so cute when you try to make up with me

Chase: well if you’re not happy then what’s the point

Chase: Bree. When I first kissed you in the hallway that day, why did you sound mad

Bree: I was freaking out I didn’t know what else to do

Chase: I was hoping when I did that, that it would show you that I liked you

Bree: I had a million thoughts in my head at that moment. I loved it and never wanted it to end but this is reality

Chase: do you want to relive that moment you never wanted to end?

Bree: im pretty sure we already did *points to her baby bump*

Chase: ok fine lets just go home

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