Chapter 18

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Bree: Kim, we gotta go, but we'll talk to you later

Kim: oh why

Bree: the credits are coming, and they are going to be too loud

Kim: oh then go, bye

brase: bye

Brase runs out and goes to the arcade

Chase: why are we in here

Bree: how are we going to get out of here

Chase: what do you mean

Bree: check to see if Donna is still here

Chase: ...yeah she's still here

Bree: uhh, ok now what

Chase: well since she kinda already knows that im here, take my jacket

Bree: umm ok

they both sneak out with Bree turned into Chase so Donna wouldnt recognize her

Donna: Chase?

Chase: (whispers) keep walking just keep walking

Chase: ok where to now

Bree: my place?

Chase: sure

Bree: man we need our own place

Chase: we will soon

Bree: I can wash your clothes for you since I still have to do my laundry

Bree: whats wrong

Chase: nothing

Bree: you sighed though

Chase: im just so happy

Bree: why

Chase: two years ago I could never imagine you ever liking me, and here we are going to move in together

Bree: thats how I felt

Chase: when did you start liking me

Bree: the second I first saw you

Chase: same here

Bree: im tired of walking and I dont want to use my superspeed so can you just carry me

Chase: uh...

Bree: ill do those three things at once again-

Chase doesnt even bother to answer he just picks her up bridal style right then and there

Bree: why do you love doing that

Chase: doing what, picking you up or...

Bree: I dont know both

Chase: come on, you know the answers to both

…(at Bree's house)

Bree: ok you need to change...hold on

bree goes into her closet and gets out some clothes that Chase gave her (you know, sweatshirt and sweatpants) and brings them back to Chase

Bree: here, just change and give me the clothes to wash

he goes into the bathroom and changes and comes back and hands bree the clothes he was just wearing

Bree: ok ill be right back

(bree's mom: Dinner!

Chase: Bree, you got..a little something (they are eating spagetti)

Bree blushes

Chase: I got it *grabs a napkin and slowly gets it off while staring into her eyes*

they can hear faint 'awes' from her parents and they both smile

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