Chapter 2

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Kim: nothing! Just a bad dream*runs out of the room*

Jack: wait Kim! *smiles*

*Jack looks at Bree and Chase and takes a picture and sends it to Kim, and Bree*

Kim: hehe

*Chase is woken up by Bree’s phone*

Chase: *looks at Bree’s phone, then checks it. ***In Chase’s thoughts***me and Bree are sleeping together, I guess I should just send it to my phone since I’m in the picture.......*** end of thoughts***

*Chase puts Bree’s phone back how she had it*

Bree: Chase what are you doing on my phone

Chase: nothing!

Bree: *looks at the picture* oh.......

*Bree runs upstairs to her room*

Chase: oh gosh, why did you have to send the picture to Bree, why did you even have to take the picture!

Jack: sorry, I didn’t know she would wake up from this, ok if you saw me and Kim like this would you take a picture?!

Chase: maybe

Jack: exactly, lets just go find both of them

Chase: good idea, wait where did Kim go, what happened?

Jack: well she woke up like she had a bad dream and I asked what was wrong, and then...she kissed me and she ran away somewhere

Chase: ooooo! She kissed youuuu!

Jack: oh shut it! You kissed Bree the other day!

Chase: touché (point taken)

~~~with the girls~~~

Bree: Kim? What are you doing in here?

Kim: I woke up from a bad dream an-

Bree: tell me all about it!

Kim: ok, I’ll sum it up of what happened....Jack stopped being my friend so he could be with Lindsey and I woke up and saw me in Jack’s arms and I was so happy that i kissed him and ran up here

Bree: ooooo

Kim: so why are you up here?

Bree: I woke up in Chase’s arms and he was on my phone, I asked what he was doing on my phone and he said nothing, and then I checked my phone and saw the picture of Chase and I that Jack send me

Kim: ya he kinda sent that to me too*slightly laughs*

Bree: they are going to be looking for us, so we should split up

Kim: good thinking, stay here

*Kim runs somewhere away*

Chase: Bree...Bree...Bree!

Bree: oh crap*super speeds out of the room to the kitchen*

Chase: what the heck! ***in Chase’s thoughts, she has bionics too***

Jack: *mumbles* I guess she’s not in here

Kim: thank god

*Jack sneaks up on Kim and picks her up and brings her downstairs*

Jack: where is Bree?

Kim: I don’t know

Jack: we both know that you’re a bad liar

Kim: let me go!

Jack: not until you tell me why you ran off

Kim: im not telling you anything

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