Chapter 26

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Bree: that’s crazy. That will never happen

Chase: then what is happening right now?

Bree: i changed my mind. Of what I was going to say, I thought it was too soon to say

Chase: ok I wo-

Bree: but if you have to know-

Bree stops herself and just runs into his arms and cries

Bree: about our future…do you want to have a kid

That was all chase needed to hear to get it. To get everything.

Chase: shh shh don’t cry. Now I just feel bad

Bree: lets just move past this and tell eachother everything without second thoughts

Chase: second thoughts?

Bree: no no not like that

Chase:… is this a fight?

Bree: love is never easy Chase

Chase: but nothing is getting in our way…

…(time skip to then their offical first day of work) in Zach’s pov

I was at the mall in the food court waiting for Bree to come out during her lunch break. How am I supposed to believe that she was engaged. I mean she is so young.18…18! I probably blew it trying to be more then friends before friends. I should have started slow.

Bree: I’ll meet you in the food court

theres my chance. She just walked out of Tech-Town and her so called ‘fiance’ wasn’t with her

Zach: hey Bree

Bree: uh you again?

Zach: I don’t see your “fiancé” *smirks*

Bree: just leave me along. Take no for an answer

Zach: fine

… end of Zach’s pov…for now

then Chase finishes up at work and makes his way over to find Bree at the food court

Chase: hey babe

Bree: hey Chasey

Chase: Chasey?

Bree: Babe?

Chase: *laughs* ok. You waited for me?

Bree: of course

Chase put his arm around Bree’s waist as they went to get food

...when they were done eating Chase picked up both of their trash and walks to throw it away

Zach’s pov again

Shes finally alone again.

Its my turn bro. I walked up to her and sat down right across from her

Zach: hey Bree

Bree: its like your asking for it

Zach: for what?

Bree: Spike

Zach: Spike? Whats Spike?

Bree: ill make you a deal

Zach: what kind of deal?

Bree: you can leave now unharmed or you can stay and get hurt. Its your choice. And I would choose quickly

Zach: fine, you are so stubborn for a hot babe. You’re not worth it

No ones pov

Chase walks back to see Zach walking away mad

Chase: what did he want now?

Bree: me. I don’t think he will be bothering me anymore though. He said I was stubborn and im not worth it.

Chase: ok but if he comes back I will let Spike come out

Bree: ok ok

Chase: just remember that you will always be worth it to me *smiles*

Bree: *smiles* lets get back to work our lunch break is almost over

Chase: it’s a good thing he gave up. Otherwise I would have to kick his ass

Bree: we both know you can and will

Chase: nobody messes with MY girl

…(later that night)

the words ‘you’re not worth it’ was stuck in Bree’s head ever since it came out of Zach’s mouth. That was all she could think about.

Bree’s pov

What if it was true. What if I wasn’t worth it. Am I worth it. I know Chase said I was. But…

Of course he would say it. We are getting married. It would be wrong if he didn’t say it. I know he meant it. But to other people. Am I worth it to them. I already hate Zach and im glad he stopped but he liked me and gave up so quickly..a little too quickly. I shouldn’t be thinking about this. All that matters to me in life is Chase and out future. I shouldn’t be wasting my time thinking about anything else but us.

That’s why I went looking for Chase, I don’t care where he is. It could be outside in the rain, sleeping, watching tv, eating, even in the bathroom taking a shower or on the toilet. I don’t care. Im going to find him and show him how much I love him. Even if it means getting pregnant or something in the process. I haven’t been showing too much love lately it feels like. Other than my friends and family, Chase is the only thing I care about. And I gotta give Kim credit for that. If she didn’t introduce me to Chase I would be so lonely and sad. We have been through so much, with all the ex boyfriend stuff, Donna stuff, ‘fake’ pregnancies though I don’t know what other word to use for that well I guess the word ‘false’. But even when we thought I was pregnant he looked happy at that fact which tells me that in our entire life we would never leave the other. Back to what I was doing – finding Chase

Bree: Chase!

It turned out that he was in the shower because I heard the water running, but like I said-or thought, it didn’t matter where he was. Its not awkward to us since we have showered together once. –don’t judge. He’s the love of my life, and we are engaged, no second thoughts. Anyways. I opened the door and closed it behind me, he did look a little surprised but mostly confused. I ran up to the shower and by then he thought something was wrong, probably because of my facial expression. I wasn’t smiling, but that’s only because im deep in thought. Good thing I wasn’t wearing anything on my feet, but even if I did I don’t care if I get soaking wet. I actually wasn’t wearing that much at all, just a tank to with no bra and pj shorts and no ring, I like to take in off at night so I don’t lose it like if it falls off in my sleep. Well we were home after work and just wanted to relax but who wouldn’t? honestly. After I ran up to the shower, I opened the shower door leaving him still confused and closed that also behind me and I looked him in the eyes which were so pretty and a strong color of hazel. Every time I look at him, its like I fall in love with him all over again. 

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