Chapter 36

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Bree: why won't he just stop?...

Chase: i don't know...

Bree: i don't want to see you two fighting over me all the time. Shouldn't he have self respect?

Chase: we can just avoid him, i'll just get you your food at lunch-

Bree: i know but we can't do this everyday

Chase: i mean we could just quit and stay home

Bree: no, I couldn't do that to you. you love this job and we need to be making money. we can't just use Davenport's money forever

Chase: i don't know what you want me to do...

Bree: I'm not telling you to do anything I just can't do this. i don't want to see you two fighting

Chase: he'll have to get over you and give up, I will not let him win

Bree: come on, let's just get back to work

Chase: okay but just wait a second

Bree: what?

Chase: your right. so how about we just leave the mall for lunch everyday and then we won't have to deal with him

Bree: ok, that's fine. My breaks over

Chase: everything will work out in the end. I promise. 

Bree: Chase, don't promise something you have no control over...I have to get back to work...


Chase didn't know why she was being like this. I mean, he knew..but he also didn't know. Bree would always believe Chase whenever he promised something to her, especially when it came to her happiness. All because he always was able and knew how to make her happy, in the end. 

They both went back to work for the rest of the day with Zach wondering around the mall waiting for his opportunity. 

Chase was thinking that Zach would try something at the end of the day so he had already asked his boss if they could both leave a bit early. It had been a slow day anyway and the mall was closing within the next hour and Tech Town doesn't normally get that many customers last minute. 

Chase: Bree are you ready to go?

Bree: I thought we had to work for another half hour?

Chase: i asked if we could leave a bit early and he said yes

Bree: ok just give me a minute

Bree went to the bathroom in the back of the store and looked at herself in the mirror, thinking and asking herself why this happened to her of all people. She checked to see if there were any signs that she would cry or dried tears in that case and walked back out to Chase so they could leave. 

Chase: lets go this way, its actually a short cut to the car. 

Bree: okay

It was a short cut, well sort of. It's also in the area that Zach is banned so Chase thought it worked out perfectly without having to bring up "zach". 


Zach had came back around where Tech Town was in sight and he was aloud to be in to see that the store was closed with all the lights off. Signaling that he "lost 'his' chance"

Zach: dammit!!


They both got home and Bree went to shower even though it was sort of late. considering that they had to work til close to closing and she doesn't normally take showers at night, unless she just wanted to think. Having warm water flowing down you just being alone, able to think. Losing track of time Bree was in there to what felt to be an hour, she turned off the water, put on her pjs and went to bed seeing that Chase was already asleep. She got into bed and curled up next to Chase's warm body and slowly drifted to sleep. 

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