chapter 28

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Bree: yes you were. And you were also my first kiss

Chase: really?

Bree: yes really

Chase: I find that really hard to believe

Bree: why?

Chase: *laughs* look at you. You’re beautiful

Bree: you don’t need to kiss up to me. I’m already yours

Chase: oh im not kissing up. The only kissing up I do is kissing you.

Chase: do you think we should take you to the doctor

Bree: Chase I feel fine

Chase: we both know what this is. We are going. I’m going to go set an appointment


Bree: ok sooo do you know how the wedding planning is?

Chase: actually no. Tasha wont tell me anything. But I do know it’s going to be in five months

Bree: really that soon!

Bree comes back to the bed and lays next to me

Chase: dang it

Bree: what?

Chase: your wearing a romper

Bree: so?

Chase: now its going to be harder for me to take off your clothes *smirks*

Bree: Chase! *hits his arm*

Chase: what am I wrong?

Bree: no… *blushes*

Chase: hey I thought you were hungry

Bree: I am

…(two days later)

Chase: how are you feeling now?

Bree: im fine. But we don’t need to bother to get a pregnancy test. It doesn’t take a genius to tell that I am pregnant. We didn’t use protection

Chase: are you ok with this?

Bree: yes I am but its not like I have a choice anyways. Ok im about to ask you a very stupid question. But every girl asks this

Chase: which is..?

Bree: you’re not going to leave me right?

Chase: *laughs* of course not

Bree: ok then there is still something we have to talk about. Are we going to keep this a secret?

Chase: maybe for as long as we can. People are going to be able to tell when you get a baby bump

Bree: I know. So we aren’t going to tell anyone

Chase: no. we cant risk certain people finding out. Plus we don’t now what Adam and Leo would say

…(during their appointment)

Doctor: it’s a little hard to see because its soon but that dot is your baby

Bree covers her mouth with her hands with tears in her eyes

Doctor: I will give you both a minute

And with that the doctor leaves the room. There is just so much emotion in this room right now

Bree: I cant believe it Chase. Our baby

Chase: our baby. I have always dreamed of this moment

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