Chapter 3

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Bree: look at the stars

*they both look up*

Bree: isn’t it the most beautiful thing you have ever seen

Chase: the second thing

Bree: what’s the first?

Chase: I’ll show you

*Chase faces Bree and grabs her waist(which is under water)and kisses her and Bree puts her arms around his neck*

Kim: look(points to Bree and Chase)

Jack: oh wow

Kim: I dared her to kiss him, even though she wanted to anyway

Jack: I saw Chase kiss her first

Kim: in the dare it didn’t matter who started it, it was just for them to finally get there real kiss. I want my real kiss too

Jack: Chase told me a long time ago that he had feelings for Bree.

*Jack turns to Kim and gives her that real kiss she said she wanted*

eventually Chase and Bree pull away and both look at Jack and Kim

Bree puts her head on Chase’s chest

Bree: dont they look perfect for eachother

Chase: ya...they do

Bree shivers

Chase: are you cold

Bree: ya but im fine, i feel warm in your arms

Chase: (smiles) are you sure, it is getting cold out here and you are only wearing a bikini(blushes)

Bree: ok lets go get Kick

Chase: Kick?

Bree: its Jack and Kim's couple name

Chase: but they arent together

Bree: they will be soon enough

Chase: lets get out of the water***in Chase's thought*then what would be me and Bree's couple name....hmmmm......OOOH i got it Brase! it even sounds cool. but the only problem with it is that Bree and I arent even a couple.......yet. i just have a feeling it will happen, she did say that we have more in common than she thought*end of thoughts***

Bree: come on Chase, your spacing out, what are you thinking about?

Chase: i was just thinking about something

Bree: well can you tell me***In Bree's thoughts*i hope that he was thinking about what our couple name would be or this will be awkward. Brase(Bree thinks all dreamy like)

Chase: i was just thinking about Jack and Kim's couple name that you said earlier

Bree: i was thinking about that to but can you just hurry, just go get Jack and i will get Kim

Chase: ok

*Bree and Chase go get Jack and Kim and bring them inside*

Kim: what was that all about

Chase: Bree was getting cold and i thought we all should go inside

Jack: you know that we have school tomorrow right

Bree: oh wow i totally forgot, and i didnt do any of the homework

Kim: ya you guys dont have to stay, besides youdont have your homework with you or a change of clothes

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