Chapter 24

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Chase: I heard that Tech Town is hiring

Bree: oh and Caitlin works there and she’s moving which means there will be two openings! Wont it be awesome if we can both work together!

Chase: we can apply together after we move in to the apartment tomorrow

Tasha: do you guys need any help moving in?

Chase: we’ll be fine, but we might need Adam

Adam: if youre so smart do it yourself

Chase: im not as strong as you

Bree: instead of getting into this, how about we just do it ourselves

Bree: so, Chase, what do you think

Chase: of course I like it

Bree: since you didn’t let me use my superspeed this took forever so we might want to get to the mall before it closes

Chase: okay, but I just didn’t want you to get hurt

Bree: it’s a good thing your dad got you a car

Chase: yeah it is, get the keys and lets go

Scott(the manager of Tech-Town): what can I do you for?

Chase: we heard you were hiring and we wanted to apply

Scott: are you Bree?

Bree: yes, how do you know?

Scott: Caitlyn wouldn’t shut up, she told me about you. And of what I heard you would be someone I would like to have here at Tech-Town

Bree: really?

Scott: I never liked Caitlyn because she was so annoying but she was honest. So now, you *points to Chase* tell me about yourself

Chase: im trustworthy, smart, honest,-

Scott: that’s who we need, how about this, ill give you both one day of working to see if this is for you and ill be watching and if this is for you, then you both have to jobs

Bree: oh my gosh really?

Scott: yes, how about you guys come first thing tomorrow

Chase: that will work. Thank you

Bree: see Chase. I told you, everything is working out

Chase: but what if one of us doesn’t get the job

Bree: that wont happen, you’re better for this then me and he likes me. Plus if that does happen, there are plenty of other stores in this mall

…(at their apartment the next morning)

Bree: *yawns while stretching* Chase

Chase: ye.eah

Bree: oh my god Chase! Look at the time! We have to get up! We cant give an impression of being late.

Bree superspeeds       to get dressed.

Bree: Chase hurry up

Chase: I don’t have superspeed like you

Bree: urgh hm then ill help you-

She uses her superspeed to help Chase finish getting dressed show they wont be late ;)

 …(at the mall just outside of Tech-Town)

Chase: *puts both hands on her shoulders* Bree, everything is fine, we still have five minutes until they even open

Bree: im sorry I always worry about these things-

Then Chase suddenly removes his hands from her shoulders and places them on both her cheeks and kisses her


Bree: *smiles* okay

Scott: coming in on right on time, I value that. I guess just put these company shirts on so you can help any costumers

Chase: yes sir

Bree: thank you

both chase and bree just put the company shirts on over their own clothes since it was just a green t-shirt

instead of boring you of this scene I thought I would just skip it since it would be boring anyway

Scott: you both did great but you still have to fill out the applications for all the personal information

Scott: alright you both can start on Thursday (it was Tuesday)

Chase: we’ll see you Thursday then

Bree: what do you wanna do later

Chase: uh- maybe we could just relax

Bree: Chase. Everything okay?

Chase: oh yeah everythings fine

Bree: you’re telling me later *walks out of Tech-Town*

Chase runs out of the store chasing after Bree and picks her up from behind

Bree: *laughs* Chase! Put me down!

Chase: hmm…let me think about that…*fake dramatic pause*…no

Bree: well how are you going to drive us home like this? Hm?

Chase: *whispers in Bree’s ear* we both know im smart enough to figure out a way

Bree: just put me down

Chase: ok ill put you down if you tell me about that guy you were talking to

Bree: aww, is Chasey jealous?

Chase: bad move Bree

Bree: and what are you going to do about it?

Chase: this. *turns Bree around in his arms(her still in the air) and kisses her*

Bree: how are you this strong?

Chase: I think its because I work out and I like the look on your face whenever you see me without a shirt

Bree’s face gets all red and she tries to hide her face in Chase’s chest

Chase: there it is! Ok fine ill let you down…

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