Chapter 37

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**time skip by two months**

The wedding is just around the corner again, nobody really worried because they had everything sorted out before. The wedding is going to be on the beach. Mr Davenport sorted out the honeymoon also. He didn't tell them where that is but he did tell them where the wedding was going to be. Mr Davenport booked part of the beach for the entire day. Bree and Chase decided to not see each other the night before the wedding. well it was Tasha's idea. but since she and Davenport are the ones paying for the wedding the just went with it.

It's the day before Chase will have to stay at the Davenports.

Chase: are you sure I can't see your wedding dress?

Bree: yes i'm sure. you are just going to have to wait. oh and you need to get dressed

Chase: why?

Bree: or at least put pants on because i invited Jack and Kim over. I told them to come whenever today so I would like it if you didn't go around the apartment in your boxers

Chase: your acting like you've never seen me like this

Bree: *blushes* Chase, i've seen too much of you

Chase: too much?

Chase went up to Bree and wrapped his arms are her waist. Putting his hand on her lower back pulling her closer. Bree then put her hands on his chest and looked at him.

Bree: you know that's not how I meant it

Chase: oh i know how you meant it

Bree: do you mind putting a shirt on?

Chase: I do actually

Bree just looked at him confused.

Chase: if I put on a shirt then I can't catch you looking ;)

Bree(whispers): i'll always be looking

Chase: i heard that. bionic hearing, remember. I'll put on a shirt

Chase unwrapped his arms and started to walk in the direction of their bedroom and then Bree jerked him back into a kiss

Chase: what was that for?

Bree: nothing, only that after today I won't see you til we are married


Chase put on actual clothes and Jack and Kim both knocked on the door. Chase answered the door because Bree was in the other room.

Chase: hey guys

Jack: sup

Kim: hey, where's Bree?

Chase: i think she's in our room

Kim: thanks

Kim walks away from the boys and around the corner looking for Bree

Kim: Bree?

Bree: in here!

Bree was in the guest room. she had hid her dress in there so Chase wouldn't go snooping in their closet and find it.

Bree: i was hiding it from Chase

Kim: beautiful!

Bree: shhh! I don't want Chase to know where it is

Kim: oh Bree, I need your help. I got my dress, but Jack hasn't seen it and I snuck it in the car before we left.

Bree: ok, and I need your help. Chase doesn't know i'm in here or that the dress is here so I need you to check to see if it's safe for me to come out

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