Chapter 12

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Bree: and she said that I have 2 weeks which by now is 1 week

Chase: 1 week and then what

Bree: I dont know, I hung up after that

Bree: you know im starting to worry

Chase: there is no need to worry, she cant do anything

Bree: she might not be able to but she has a bunch of people who can

Chase: I dont get why we cant just be together without any problems

Bree: Ethan was part of 'Donna's Army'. Lindsay is. Its not going to stop. What are we going to do. All I want to do is be with you. What do you think we should do

Chase: I dont know, but for now we could just see how things turn out

Bree: okay...

Chase: lets not worry about this right now, why dont we just go to sleep

Bree: okay fine

...(the '1 week' later)

Bree: ok I think we should do something, like now. Seriously she has gotten Lindsay in more contact with us, and shes probably doing this more for herself than for Donna. She is going to do biggest thing and I dont know how we are going to just ignore it

A/N (this next part is going to be a bunch of flashbacks of what Donna has been doing the past week to Bree and Chase's relationship)


Ethan: come on Bree, all I want is a second chance

Bree: I told you no, I have a boyfriend

Ethan: does he love you the same way that I did

Bree: he loves me more than you ever did

Ethan: why cant I have another chance?

Bree: you cheated on me! You didnt really love me

Ethan: I did love you though

Bree: if you really loved me you wouldnt have cheated on me, besides this was 2 years ago, you need to move on

Ethan: well who is your boyfriend anyway

Bree: Chase

Ethan: Davenport?!

Bree: yes, Chase Davenport. Is that bad?

Ethan: he's known for being a player

Bree: no he's not. You just made that up

Ethan: really, he dates the girl for maybe a few months and then he'll do his thing

bree laughs at this knowing that he's making this up

Ethan: what's so funny about that

Bree: Chase and I have been dating for over 2 years! I laughed because you made that up thinking that we havent been dating for that long

Ethan: ...worth a shot right?

Bree: yeah, well it failed. You know, if you got over it and were nice, than we could at least be friends

Ethan: really?

Bree: but thats not going to happen

Ethan: why not?

Bree: because, youre part of “Donna's Army” that trys to break me and Chase up. Yeah I know about that. One question,why does Donna care that much?

Ethan: why should I tell you

Bree: well for one, im talking to you right now and I could have walken away awhile ago. And two, im making sure that Chase doesnt rip you into pieces because he found out how you kissed me to try to get me back. Yeah, Chase really doesnt like you for that

Ethan: *gulp* that seems like a good reason. Ok, its hard for her to get over grudges and since you and Chase still have a perfect relationship, she still doesnt want you two dating

Bree: and if you keep messing with me, I might just let Chase get to you. And trust me, you do not want an angry Chase who wants to hurt you after you. He does whatever he can to protect me

Ethan: got it *gulps*

end of flashback

annnnnd another flashback

Lindsay: oh heyyy Chase

Chase: dont even think about it

Lindsay: im just here to tell you that Bree has been talking to Ethan

Chase: ...what. Wait are you just making this up. Im know that your with Donna

Lindsay: smart boy, but this, im not making up, I saw them talking

Chase: and when was this

Lindsay: just the other day, and based off of what I heard, she's cheating on you

Chase: your lying, she would never cheat on me and what did you 'hear'

Lindsay: I heard something about them kissing

Chase: if you think that if me and Bree broke up that I would go out with you. Then you are wrong!

Chase tries to walk away but he stops when he hears-

Lindsay: im the one who almost broke Jack and Kim up

Chase: *turns around* that was you?

Lindsay: yeah, and I can do the same to you and Bree

Chase: yeah right, everything Donna and you guys have tried has failed, and its always going to fail

Lindsay: dont be so sure about that

end of flashback

another flashback

Owen: Bree come on, you love my art

Bree: yeah I used to before

Owen: then what changed

Bree: you didnt cheat, buuuuuuut you broke up with me for another girl! Do you think that I would forgive you for that!

Owen: well yeah, you adorded everything I did

Bree: you are an idiot! This was over 2 years ago, get over it, move on

Owen: I did, but then you got a boyfriend, and I still dont know who that is

Bree: youre not going to like it, once he knows about this conversation he is going to want to hurt you

Owen: yeah because he will be able to hurt me. Who?

Bree: *smiles* Chase Davenport

Owen: yeah I think I will just go, no need to tell him about this *runs away*

Bree: *laughs* what a wimp

end of flashback

Chase: I have an idea

Bree: what is it?

Chase: its going to be hard though

Bree: well what is it?

Chase: I dont want to but we might have to

Bree: come on, what is it?

Chase: I think that we should break up-

Bree: what! *starts to cry*

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