Chapter 39

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Veronica POV

🥰After School🥰

"Why are people running??" I asked.

"Because they wanna watch the game." Emma said.

We walked inside Aaron's game and Hannah was holding a poster that says "Veronica Jo Merrell, I know that you're going through so much things right now." She then gave me 5 balloons saying I love you on it. She also gave me 3 roses.

"Hannah, what is this??" I asked.

"Just keep walking." She said.

I kept walking and Noah had the same poster but with something else on it.

"And I want you to know that I'll be here for you anytime you need me." He then gave me 5 balloons with 3 roses.

I kept walking and I saw Dylan with the same balloons and roses. His poster said......

"I'm so sorry about what I did some weeks ago. I may not deserve you but you're the reason why I'm here."

"Dylan, what's going on??" I asked.

"You'll see." He said.

Grayson Dolan was here too. It's weird because he is Ethan's brother.

"I want you to be happy because I think that's the most important thing in the world."

My hands was full of balloons and roses. It was very cute to have all of this.

"Ranz, Hi." I said and he pulled up the poster to his face.

"I have always liked you Veronica but I was never brave enough to tell you."

"Here." Ranz said with a huge smile while handling me the balloons and roses.

I kept walking and saw Jake.

"And now is my opportunity."

He handled me the roses and balloons. He moved to the side and I saw Aaron holding up a poster with a bouquet of roses and a ton of balloons.

"Would you like to be my girlfriend???"

I smiled and I walked to him. Everyone had their phones out recording and taking pictures.

I stand up in front of him with a huge smile.

"I would love to." I said while smiling. Aaron smashed his lips onto mine. I kissed him back. People started cheering and clapping very loud. We pulled away and I hugged him.

"Wait." Aaron said.

Emma ran to Aaron and she handed him an envelope.

"Would you like to come with me??" He asked me and handed me the envelope.

"What's this??" I asked.

"Open it." He said and he told Mariah to hold the flowers, posters, and balloons.

I opened it and it was 2 tickets with a note.

"Ok Veronica, read the letter first." Aaron said and I started to read the letter.

"Out loud." Aaron said.

"Dear Veronica,
  I really want to go to this place. It is like one of the most beautiful cities in the world and I only want to go with one person. That one person is you. I want you to ask yourself......... Wouldn't you like to go to Paris with me??" I said and my mouth fell open.

"Is this for real?!?!" I asked while smiling at Aaron.

"Of course it is. So........are you down??" Aaron asked.

"YES!!" I yelled and hugged him. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he lift me up so I put my legs around his waist. People started to cheer and clap.

I kissed him and he kisses me back. We moved in sync.

"Guys, get a room!!!" Dylan said and we pulled away while smiling.

He puts me down and I took all the stuff to Aaron's Jeep. I walked back in and sat down between Mariah and Emma.

The game starts and I was just screaming Aaron's name all the time.

😅Middle of the game😅

"AARON!!!" I yelled and he turns to me. Ethan Dolan pushed him and Aaron fell.


"What is the f*ck is wrong with you Ethan." I said.

"He is jealous Veronica." Emma said.

"Why?? He was the one who cheated on me." I said.

"AARON, COME ON BABE, YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!" I scream as Aaron stands up.

There was a lot of cheers for Aaron.

"AARON!!!! AARON!!!" The whole crowd yelled.

Just 5 more minutes for the game to get to the end. Aaron had the puck.

"AARON, GO!!!!" We were all yelling. Black Diamond was ahead by 12 points. If Aaron makes the shot, our school would win.


He made it.

We all stand up and cheer for Aaron. I walked down and ran to Aaron. I didn't step in the ice so I waited for him to walk to me.

"Come here." Aaron said.

"Are you crazy?" I said.

"Come on." Aaron said.

"No, you come here." I said.

Aaron walks to me and puts his arms around my stomach to lift me up.

"No Aaron, put me down." I said as I wrap my legs around him.

"Ok then." He said while putting me down on the ice.

"Aaron, stop." I said and and he lifts me up once again.

"Please Aaron." I said and he took me out of the ice to put me down.

"Thank you." I said.

"You're welcome." Aaron said while walking to me.

"Where's my award??" Aaron asked and I kissed him. He kisses me back and we moved in sync. Aaron puts his arms around my waist and pulls me closer to him. I put my arms around his waist.

"Guys, I'm not kidding. Get a damn room." Dylan said but we ignore him.

"Aaron, it's ok to like her but are you trying to eat her???" Noah asked and we pulled away.

"Ha ha, so funny." Aaron said.

Aaron starts to get change by taking off his shirt. Oh my f*cking god, he's so perfect. I couldn't stop staring at him.

"You like it??" Aaron asked me and I blushed. I turned my head away.

"Is that a yes??" Aaron asked.

"Maybe." I said while smiling.

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