Chapter 27

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Veronica POV

The teddy bear was huge. We walked to a table and Ethan, Emma, Hannah, and Mariah went to get food.

"Dylan, can I tell you something?? Please promise me you won't tell anyone." I said.

"Sure, tell me." Dylan said.

"I feel so bad for Aaron. I mean he did hurt me but I didn't want to make him feel bad. I'm a little worried about him. I did loved him before." I said.

"Don't worry Veronica. I'll ask him how he feels." Dylan said.

Aaron POV

There it goes, my love of my life being happy with a guy that is not me. I'm such an idiot. I let go for such a stupid reason and now there's consequences.

I couldn't see this anymore. I walked away and Sadie was following me.

"Can you stop following me??" I said.

"Sorry, I just want to make you feel better because I know you like her." She said and stopped walking.

"This is your fault." I said.

We were behind the restroom and no one was around us.

"My fault?!?! I never made you hurt her. We never forced you so that's your fault. It's your problem, not mine." She said.

"Now she doesn't even want to talk to me." I said.

"You can make her jealous." Sadie said.

"How?!?!" I said.

That's when Sadie pushed me against the wall and she smashed her lips onto mine. Her lips are alright but Veronica's are way better. Without thinking, I kissed her back.

"Oh I'm sorry." Someone said and we pulled away.

"Aaron?!?!" Dylan said.


"And you want to get Veronica back by doing this?? And with Sadie??" He said while pointing to Sadie.

"What?! He can be with me if he wants." Sadie said.

"Oh so you want to be with Sadie now? That's good, now Veronica has to know that you moved on and that she has nothing to worry about." He said.

"Dylan, She never worried about me." I said.

"Really?!?! Because she told me that she felt bad doing this to you but she couldn't say no. Now let her be happy with someone that will make her happy." Dylan said while walking away.

I'm done, I should just go die already.

Sadie got closer to me and puts her hands on my chest.

"Leave me alone." I said while pushing her hands away.

"You kissed me back Aaron." She said while putting her hands back onto my chest. She started to go down and down til her hands reached my belt.

"You can not touch me. Just one person is allow to much. The person is Veronica." I said while grabbing her hands.

I let go of her hands and walked away.

Veronica POV

The guys came back and now we're talking and laughing.

Ethan puts his arm around my neck. I looked at him and he smiled.

"Veronica, can I talk to you??" Dylan asked.

"Yeah, sure." I said while standing up.

I walked with Dylan down to a tree and we sat down.

"Veronica, don't feel bad about Aaron. He doesn't deserve you." Dylan said.

"Ok, you told me before that Aaron didn't mean what he did. Now you are telling me that he doesn't deserve me." I said confused.

"Veronica, he kissed Sadie." Dylan said.

When Dylan said that, my heart fell to my feet.

"Oh, good for him. He is moving on." I said with a weak smile. I was about to walk away but Dylan grabbed my hand.

"Veronica, I know you still have feelings for Aaron and I feel bad telling you this. I just had to tell you." Dylan said.

"It's alright." I said.

I walked to Ethan and I put my arms around his neck and my chin on his shoulder.

"I love you." Ethan said.

"I love you too." I said while kissing him on his cheek.

The bell rings and we have to go to class.

"Ethan, can you take this??" I asked while holding the roses.

"Yeah, sure." He said and I grabbed the teddy bear.

The teddy bear was huge that you can only see my feet underneath the teddy bear.

"Omg Veronica, that's so funny." Emma said.

"Why?!?!" I asked.

"Because you can only see your feet." Hannah said while laughing.

"It's not funny." I said.

"Oh Veronica, here's the balloons." Mariah said while handling me them.

"I think we should take this to the car." I said while laughing.

We walked to Ethan's car and we put them in the back.

We were walking while holding hands when the bell rang. We looked at each other and ran into the building while holding hands.

We have different classes right now. He took me to my class and before I could walked in, he smashed his lips. I kissed him back and we moved in sync. I then pulled away.

"See ya after school." He said.

"See ya." I said and I walked in.

"Veronica Merrell, why are you late??" The teacher asked me.

"I'm so sorry, I had to go to the bathroom." I said.

"Ok, then sit down." The teacher said.

I sat down and listened to the teacher.

After School

I walked out my class and headed to the parking lot. Someone grabbed my hand and it was Ethan.

"How was school today??" He asked me.

"Amazing, the best school day of my life." I said while smiling.

"Hey guys, let's go to my house." Emma said.

"Yeah, just let me leave this at my house." I said while pointing to Ethan's car.

"Alright, See ya guys later." Emma said.

We walked to the car and jumped in.

In the middle of the ride, Ethan puts his hand on my thigh. We got to my house and we put the stuff in my room.

"The teddy bear takes up my whole bed... I'm going to have to sleep on top of it." I said while giggling.

"Then I wish I was that teddy bear." Ethan said while getting closer to me.

He puts his hands around my waist and I put my hands around his neck. We lean in and our lips touched. We moved in sync and he lightly pushed me against the wall without breaking the kiss.

"Ethan, we have to go." I said between the kisses.

"Let's stay here." Ethan said while pulling away.

"Ethan, we said that we were going already." I said.

"Fine." Ethan said while pulling my hand.

We walked out the house and went to Emma's house.

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