Chapter 20

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Aaron POV

After Dylan walked out, I felt like an idiot. I didn't want to hurt Veronica. Like I know I did so wrong but I need to see her now.

When I walked out the house, my mom, dad, and Mariah jumped out the car. Mariah walked in the house but I stopped her.

"How is she??" I asked but Mariah just ignored me and walked to her room.

My mom walked in and just looked at me with sadness in her eyes.

"Mom??" I said.

She turns around with tears in her eyes.

"You crossed the line Aaron. You went way to far." She said and walked upstairs to her room. My dad followed her.

I walked to Mariah's room. She needs to tell me.

"Mariah, please, I'm sorry........but please tell is she??" I said while walking in her room.

She grabbed her phone, looking for something.

"Mariah, plea-"

"Here, this is the video at the hospital that I took when I stayed with her." Mariah said while handling me her phone.


"I wanna die, just kill me already. I can't with this." Veronica yelled on Ethan's neck.

"Veronica, I promise you, it will be alright." Ethan said.

The doctor was putting something on her arm and she started to cry and scream.

End of the video.

Tears started to go down my cheeks just seeing Veronica in pain.

"She trusted you Aaron. We thought you loved her, cared about her....... Veronica loved you very much but you just played her." Mariah said as more tears started going down my face.

Veronica POV 🌺Next Morning🌺

I woke up and saw Hannah with Emma here.

"Good morning best friend." Emma said.

"Good morning." I said.

"How are you feeling??" Hannah asked me.

"I'm getting better." I said.

"I thought you guys have school." I said.

"Yeah we do but we told the principal what happened. He lets us come for today." Emma said.


I turned around and saw my mom.

"MOM!!!" I yelled. She ran to me and hugs me. My uncle walks behind her.

"What happened to you??" Who did this to you??" My mom asked.

"Mom, I'm fine now. They don't hurt anymore." I said.

The doctor walked in with a smile on his face.

"Veronica, you are getting better. You will be fine if you put this lotion on every single day. They will soon disappear." The doctor said while handling my mom the lotion.

Then Mrs. and Mr. Burriss walked in.

"Mrs. Burriss." I said.

"Hey, we came to see how you are doing." Mr. Burriss said.

"Who are you??" My mom asked.

"They are close people to me." I said.

"We are Aaron's parents, the guy who hurt your daughter." Mrs. Burriss.


"Mom, please calm down." I said.

"STAY AWAY FROM MY DAUGHTER!!!" My mom yelled.

"Mom, please." I said while holding her hand.


"Can you take her out please?!?!" I said to my uncle and he nodded.

He was pulling my mom out but she was so mad.

"I'm sorry about my mom. She is just mad." I said to Mrs. Burriss.

"She has a big reason to be." Mrs. Burriss said while holding my hand.

🏥 Two days later 🏥

My mom picks me up from the hospital today. I'm going home and I can walk now but I just need rest.

"Veronica, can you please go to the car." My mom said while handling me the keys. I nodded and walked out.

When I walked out the hospital, I feel like if someone is staring at me. I looked around but I don't see anyone looking at me. I was getting in the car until I saw Aaron standing there looking at me. I felt scared like if he was going to do something bad to me again.

"What are you looking at??" My mom asked me.

"Nothing, just waiting for you." I said.

My mom got in the car and my uncle starts driving. We got home and my uncle carried me in the house.

"Uncle, I can walk now." I said.

"It's alright, I don't mind." My uncle said.

My mom opened the door and he sets me down on the couch.

"Do you need something??" My mom asked.

"No thank you. I'm fine." I said.

"Ok." She said about to walk away but I grabbed her hand.

"Mom, can we talk?" I asked. She nodded while sitting next to me.

"I'm really sorry mom. It was wrong for yelling at you when you told me that you married my uncle. You had to move on." I said while holding her hands.

"And I did wrong too, Veronica. I didn't tell you before that's why you got mad." My mom said.

My mom hugged me and I hugged her back.

"Ok, let's take you to your room. We have to put the cream on your legs and arms." My mom said.

"Mom don't say cream. Its sound weird." I said while laughing and standing up.

I walked to my room and laid down in my bed while my mom was putting on the lotion on.

It burns but I have to take it anyways.

"Now rest." My mom said while kissing my forehead.

I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

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