Chapter 7

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Veronica POV

🌞Next Morning🌞

Today is the soccer game. I need to get ready. I tried to get up but it is a little hard.

I walked to my closet and get my black jeans with my school shirt. I put my hair up in a ponytail and walked out my room. Walking downstairs took my 30 minuets.

I got to the kitchen and sat down on a chair. Like 10 seconds later, someone knocked on the door.

"Omg, you got to be f*ucking kidding me." I said while standing up.

I opened the door and saw Hannah's mom.

"Anne?!?!" I said a little surprised.

"Hey Veronica, how is your ankle?" She asked me.

Anne is like my second mom. She is always there for me. She is more like my mom. Not even my real mom spends time with me like Anne does.

"It's fine, Come in." I said

"Thank you." She said while walking in.

"Ok so since now your mom isn't here, you can move to our house for a bit." She said holding my hands.

"Um... I do-"

"Perfect, Then just go to school and right now I will take care of your stuff." She said.

"Hey Veronica." Hannah said while opening the front door.

"Hey" I said.

"Are you ready?" Hannah asked me while grabbing my backpack.

"Yeah" I said grabbing my phone.

"Bye mom." Hannah said while waving at her.

"Bye honey." Anne said.

Hannah walked out and I was about to walk out, but I turned around.

"Thank you." I said holding her hands.

"There's nothing to thank me for." She said while looking at me in my eyes.

I gave her a hug and walked out.

"Ready?" Hannah asked me.

"Yeah" I said opening the car's door.

We got in the car and Hannah puts on music. We both started singing. When we got to school, I saw my coach waiting for me with my teammates. I got out the car and walked to them.

"Hey Veronica, Mariah told me what happened to your ankle." The coach said.

"Here this is for you." Mariah said while handling me a blue jacket that had the word "CAPTAIN" on the back with my name at the bottom.

"Thank you, it's beautiful." I said.

"Let's get ready." The coach said while clapping his hands.

The soccer game will be for the first 3 periods.

Mariah helped me walk to the lockers. The coach wanted me to walk out with my team so people can see that I am the captain. I wasn't sure about it but whatever.

Mariah and I, since she is the co-captain and I'm captain we became really close friends.

We walked out the lockers and saw some visitors. It was black diamond high school. They are good at football and volleyball but I don't know about soccer.

"Hey Veronica." Someone said from behind me.

"SADIE?!?!" I said surprised.

She is my biggest enemy since 6th grade. We went to the same middle school but thank god she went to black diamond and not here.

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