Chapter 34

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Next Morning

I woke up in my bedroom, Mariah was sleeping next to me. I got up and went to take a shower.

 I got up and went to take a shower

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Mariah was in the restroom and I sat down in my bed

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Mariah was in the restroom and I sat down in my bed.

"Veronica..... do you want to go with Aaron??" Mariah asked me and I nodded.

"Lets go." Mariah said.

We walked out the house and jumped in my car.

"I'll drive." Mariah said and I handled her the keys.

Mariah drove to her house. When we got there, I jumped out the car and walked to the front door. I knocked on the door and Mr. Burriss opened it.

"Veronica, come in." Mr. Burriss said.

I walked in and saw Dylan on the couch. Mariah walks in and Mr. Burriss hugged her.

"Veronica........hi." Mrs. Burriss said while walking downstairs.

"Hi, I came to see Aaron." I said.

"Yeah of course. He is in his room." Mrs. Burriss said while walking to Mariah and Mr. Burriss.

I walked upstairs to Aaron's room. I opened the door and he was laying down in his bed.

"Aaron??" I said.

"Veronica, come in." Aaron said and I walked to him. He looks better than yesterday.

He sat up and I sat down on his bed. He grabbed my arm and I pushed it away. He was hurting my arm.

"What's wrong??" Aaron asked me.

"Nothing." I said.

"Ok, I believe you." Aaron said.

"Did you really mean it??" Aaron asked me.

"What do you mean??" I asked.

"Yesterday, you said that you love me. Is that true or you said that to make me feel better." Aaron said worried.

"Aaron, I really mean it. I love you so much. I regret having to say yes to Ethan when he asked me to be his girlfriend." I said.

Aaron was holding my hand and looked down at them. He was shock because one of my sleeves are up.

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