Losing My Mind *Part 3*

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Jeremiah x reader

On the way back to the Dark Zone, Jeremiah and I said nothing to each other. It was completely silent except for Jeremiah's arguing with his voices inside his head. I love when he does that: it's super attractive.

Anyhow, when we got back, he took me to what appeared to be an underground mine. We sat there and he watched his laborers intently as if they messed up, he would make them regret it.

I take this as a chance to ask him what I've been dying to know. "Hey Jeremiah, did you kill all those people in that building today?" I pretend to be excited and smile, thinking he'd be happy if I did that. However, he grabs my arm and I notice the razor blade in his palm.

He sticks it up to my collarbone, pressing only enough to draw blood. "I wish." He says through gritted teeth and turns toward one of the workers. I notice him as a gang leader from one of the territories.

"You're pushing my men way too hard. We're not going to break through for at least a couple more days. There is absolutely no way to make it on schedule." He says this, but Jeremiah isn't having it. So, he takes the same razor blade he used on me and slices his throat in one swift motion.

I stand up and try to control my rapid breathing while staring at them. I see Jeremiah lick the blade and he motions me over to him.

I reluctantly go and he raises the razor to my lips, only to run it over them softly. "Taste." He says this without any trace of an emotion.

I take it out of his hand and run my tongue across one side all while looking at him. Some blood drips on my chin and he quickly licks it before I even notice.

Our lips are inches apart and we lean in to each other. We have almost touched, but Ecco comes in, filling Jeremiah in on the current situation with Selina. And while they dance, I can't help but think that's what I wanted.

I wanted to be with Jeremiah all this time and when it's finally making its progress, this happens.

Anyways, after that, Jeremiah starts to talk to his workers about some kind of river. I'm not listening, so I don't hear the speech. I do, however, see Ecco making a bee-line towards Jeremiah.

She's not unarmed either: she's holding a knife in her hand. It takes me a second to process that this isn't her.

I run over to where Jeremiah is standing and as soon as I get there, her knife is inside my abdomen. I take his place and whenever everyone sees her try to hurt Jeremiah, Bruce is quick to get her out.

I start bleeding out and my legs fail me as I fall to the floor. Jeremiah catches me before I hit the ground and starts pressing down on the wound.

It's no use, though, because only a few moments after, I am engulfed into darkness.

I hope you all liked it!
Thanks for reading and I hope you all have a great day!

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