Our Little Team

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"Yeah, I'll be there in, like, five minutes. I'm at my car right now." I told my co-worker as I pressed the unlock button and opened the door to my blue Toyota Camry. I am a doctor at Gotham Hospital and I get these types of calls all of the time. 'They need you in the ER.' Or, 'A patient needs to know this'. Don't get me wrong, I will do anything to save a life. But sometimes I want to do something for me and relax. I started the engine and pulled at my door to close it. I looked up to see what was budging it, and my heart sunk to my feet. "Get out of the car and you don't get hurt. Simple." A large, muscled man pointed a gun at my head. I swallowed the lump in my throat and stepped onto the blacktop. "Wow, a smart one. I like her already." A slim, dark-skinned woman made her way into my line of vision, followed by another woman with light hair and skin. "Hurry up, you're taking too long. This is getting borrrinngg." The second female said to the man. He sighed, aggravated and grabbed my arm. I pulled to get out of his grip, but to no avail. As he dragged me to his car, I screamed bloody murder. "Help! Someone help me, pleas-" I was interrupted by a man wearing green as he tazed me and my vision turned into darkness.

I opened my eyes to the inside of a nightclub. As my vision cleared fully, I turned my head to the side, seeing the dark-skinned woman pouring herself a shot of whiskey. I started to get up from my barstool, but as soon as my feet hit the floor, I fell to my knees. "Woah, be careful." The muscled man told me as he offered me his hand. I narrowed my eyes at him as I got up by myself. He chuckled, "Fiesty now, are we? Don't worry, I'm used to it." He gestured to the two women I had met the night before. "So, what's the deal? Why did you kidnap me?" I asked the obvious questions. "Well, if you may ask. We saw your skills and thought you'd make a great addition to our little team. Your black belt in karate, and don't think that we don't know how precise you are with throwing knives and with any type of gun." The man in green explained to me what I didn't think that many people knew. "How do you know that?" I asked, getting a little freaked out. "We followed you, duh." He laughed. "So, your options are... accept our offer and actually live your life. Or... die!" The light complected woman laughed as she explained my choices. "Fine, what do you want me to do?" I raised my eyebrow at them. "Well, first we need to introduce ourselves! I'm Barbara Kean and you can call me Babs!" She bowed and smiled at me. "And I'm Tabitha Galavan, but you can call me Tabs." She smiled and took another shot of whiskey. "Well, I'm Butch Gilzean. Nice to meet ya." He shook my hand. "And I am Edward Nygma, but you can call me Ed." He smiled at me. "I'm Y/N. It's nice- I guess- to meet you all. I mean, under the circumstances."

Days pass by and all we do is train. As Ed and I practice our shooting, I notice that he is having a little trouble. "Maybe you should hold it like this." I tilted the gun the right way for him and he smiled, grateful for my help. "Thanks, it gets tricky sometimes." He chuckled and a smile formed on my lips as well. "So, what's all the green and question marks and riddles about?" I asked as I put away my gun for the day. "I'm just kind of trying to find out who I am in this world." He turned to me, then put away his gun. I nodded and started to walk away. "Hey, would you wanna hang out sometime? I mean, over a meal or coffee? You don't have to, I was jus-" I smiled at his nervousness, "I'd love to, what time will you pick me up?" I bit my lip to keep from laughing at the surprised look on his face. "Uh, um... is five ok?" He asked as he scratched the back of his neck. "That's perfect, I'll be ready."

My short black lace dress hugged my thighs as I walked to the door. I opened it to Ed, holding some roses for me. "These are for you..." He gawked at my appearance. I took the flowers and wiped a strand of my crimped hair away from my face. "Thanks..." I chuckled and sat them on my counter.

"Wait, so you asked him that riddle and he couldn't even answer it? That's one of the easiest ones!" I wiped my mouth with my napkin. "I know!" We both laughed and he called the waiter to our table. "Could you please give us our receipt?" He laid it on the table and Ed went to pay for the meal while I walked to the car. "So you and Ed?" I gasped when Babs came up behind me. "I guess you could say that..." I blushed. "Awe! That's too cute! I like it." Ed walked out of the restaurant and Barbara ran away. "Ready to go?" He blushed and I nodded.

"Thanks for tonight, I had a lot of fun." I smiled at Ed as we got back to my apartment. "Yeah, me too." He smiled widely back at me. "So, I'll see you in training tomorrow?" He nodded. We stood in the same spots for a few minutes as if we were frozen in time. Before I could stop myself, I started to lean in closer, as did he. As much as my head told me to stop, my heart told me to go. So, I listened to my heart and I closed the gap between us. The kiss was short and sweet, but still the best kiss I think that I have ever had. "I'll see you later, then?" I bit my lip as he nodded. I opened my apartment door and as soon as the door closed, I slid down to the floor. "Oh...my...gosh." I laughed giddily.

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