He's Back

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Hey guys! I don't know why, but I am updating two times this weekend. This story is very similar to the last one, but I guess I'm just in the mood for that. Lol. But I hope you like it.

"We met a few years ago, when the circus came to town. He seemed so lonely, all by himself, standing beside the stage. So, I walked over to him."

My mind wandered to a different place, a different time. "He said hello, and after the initial shyness, it was like we had known each other our whole lives. He didn't seem dangerous at all." I grinned, remembering how naïve I was.

"The next few weeks, I do recall that he did complain about his mother a lot." The journalist woman wrote all of this down, "What did he say about his mother?" The memories overwhelmed me and I sighed. "He just said that she abused him a lot. One time, I even witnessed her doing it." I gulped, hearing her slurred voice in my mind.

"So tell me, what happened with you all? Rumor has it, he was your first... everything." I smirked, knowing who I am now. "Well, the rumor is true." My lips are are painted a ruby red and my dress is just long enough to cover my bottom.

If you really wanna know, I am Gotham's biggest slut. But no guy can resist me, either. The fame that Jerome gave me, allowed for this reputation. "A question from @sinister says, 'Why are you the way that you are?'" Tears brimmed my eyes and I laughed, "To cope." Jerome has been gone for a while now, but I still haven't gotten over him.

Later that night, I waltzed into a random nightclub. The same routine as many other nights played out on some guy I had never met. "Well, you don't have to do that." I stated, after he offered to buy me a drink. " 'Course I do. You're a mighty fine young lady." I thanked him and just happened to look over to a corner in the club.

Orange, spiked up hair and green eyes caught my eye. The man was shocked as well and then smirked. 'Is that... no, it can't be. He's dead.' As the thoughts ran through my mind, the man sitting next to me gave me my drink. I sipped it and glanced back into the corner. I saw the ginger man walk out and I had to find out if I was crazy or not. "Would you excuse me for a minute?" I didn't wait for a response and walked to the outside of the club.

"Wait!" I screamed and that beautiful, wide, crazy smile greeted me. "Miss me, gorgeous?" His face was stitched together and he smelled of death. "What happened to your face?" I ran my fingers over the staples. "Dwight, bringing me back to life failed, used as a mask, long story..." He leaned closer and whispered into my ear, "... tell you later." We walked in the dark to my apartment, our old place, laughing all the way there.

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