Escape Route

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As requested by loves_Loki
Jerome Valeska and Ed Nygma x reader

Making my way to Jerome's table in the cafeteria, I noticed Ed sitting all alone. I was perplexed, who should I choose to sit with? I glanced to Jerome, and it surprised me to see that he was alone, also. It crossed my mind to have them both sit with me, but that would never work. They don't really like each other much.

I finally decided to sit with Jerome and when I sat, he immediately acknowledged me. "Y/N, I was just thinking about you." I smiled slightly, "Good thoughts, I hope?" He smiled his signature grin, "They were very pleasant to me." I narrowed my eyes at him and shook my head. "A dirty mind will get you nowhere, Valeska."

He laughed, "We'll see." I pulled open the top of my milk carton and drank a little of it. When I sat it back down, I noticed he was still staring at me. "I'm not going to ask if you like what you see, because I already know you do. But, seriously, what's up?" He grinned and searched my eyes for a second before saying, "Would you come with me?"

I furrowed my eyebrows, "Where?" He made sure no one was looking and shrugged his shoulders, "I dunno. Out of this place. We could escape together." I thought for a minute. We could escape, but what about Ed? Would we just leave him? Oh, forget about Ed, Jerome is so exciting and dangerous....

"Okay. So, how will we pull it off?" He gestured towards the cafeteria door, "I've figured out that this door... it only opens with a key. I've also seen that every other door in this place has to be opened with a card." I nodded, listening to his every word and trying to see where he was going with this. "You're beautiful. I need you to seduce one of the guards that has both a card and keys." We turned our heads when a guard looked our way.

I pretended to eat and Jerome yawned. I saw the guard turn away and looked back up at the ginger. His eyes widened, "Did you see that? He has both." I grinned, but as soon as I got up, another guard grabbed my hands behind my back and pushed me. I almost said something, but then realized that lunch was over.


A few hours later, a guard came to bring me to the rec. room. I immediately recognized him as the guard with both keys and a card. "Hi! Are you the big man around here? I've never seen you before."  He motioned for me to get in front of him, and I did, gently sliding my hand up his arm as I did so. I walked with him following closely behind and then realized something, "You didn't answer my question, handsome."

He sighed, "No. I'm not a 'big man' around here. I'm not supposed to talk to you, so shut up and walk." I smirked and swayed my hips a little as I made my way to the locked door. I batted my eyelashes at him and glanced back and forth from him to the door, waiting.

He unlocked it and pushed me in. I glanced back, sizing him up a bit. He tried to act professional, but I could see the affect I had on him. I saw Ed writing in some kind of book and I made my way over to him.

"Hi, what ya got there?" He smiled when he saw me, "Hi. This is a riddles and puzzles book that one of the workers here gave me." I saw that he was on the last page, with one answer to go before finishing. "I'm guessing it wasn't hard?"  We laughed, "Not really. It took me about ten minutes." I noticed that there were thirty pages in the book and my eyes widened. This guy is smart.

"So, got any new riddles for me today?" He always has a riddle for me to answer. I get them sometimes, but I'm no match for him. "We're five little items of an everyday sort; you'll find us all in 'a tennis court'." I thought for a moment. "I'll give you three guesses." He said and I tapped my finger on my chin. "Ummm, balls?" I could tell I was wrong by the look on his face and I bursted out laughing.

A guard interrupted us, the same one that brought me earlier, "Hey! You two! Your too close; separate." I realized that I was inches from Ed's face and I moved a seat back while huffing and crossing my arms over my chest.

"The answer is vowels." I glanced back up at him, "The answer to the riddle?" He nodded. "I thought I had three guesses?" I smirked and his mouth formed an 'O'. He laughed, "Sorry. I'll give you another one."

He thought for a moment and looked into my eyes while doing so. I feel so strongly for this man, but then- there's Jerome. His eyes roamed around the room and when he was finished looking, he reach for my hand. "It is not in your tummy but somewhere above. It is thought by many to be the symbol of love." I bit my lip to keep from smiling too widely. "I've heard this one before." I searched his face, seeing the specific way his glasses fell on his nose, his nice jawline, and his slim, but also plump lips.

"The heart?" He nodded and pulled up my hand. He held it gently with both of his hands and kissed the top softly. My heart fluttered in my chest, making my breathing uneven.

"All right, get up." The guard was standing beside me and I wanted to rebel a little by still sitting, but I figured I should get on this guy's good side. "But, muffin, you only gave me two chances. I mean," He pushed me and I took one last glimpse at Ed before grabbing the guard's forearm. "... everyone knows the third time's a charm."

I will admit, obviously I'm not stable, or I wouldn't be here. So, when we got close to my room, with no one around, I turned to him. "How much can you lift?" He was getting out his keys as I spoke and he stopped. "Why do you want to know that?" I studied him for a minute, "I just wanna know." He squinted his eyes at me, then, hesitantly, he said, "Not much. About a hundred."

I licked my lips and whispered, "Hmm... that's too bad." He looked confused when he glanced back at me and I took that as my chance to jump on his back. I grabbed the plastic fork I used to eat with today and gripped it in one hand, while covering his mouth with the other. Now, to do this right, I have to have just the right side of the fork, the sharpest edge. I'm glad that I used it on myself at lunch today.
His muffled cries only lasted for about one minute, and I got up off of his lifeless body. 'Poor guy.' I thought to myself and I tried to think of where I could hide him. Eventually, I settled upon the janitor's closet at the end of the hallway. I made sure to clear up my fingerprints and grab the card from his pocket before I made my way to Jerome's room.

The hallways were clear, much to my liking. You see, they don't like when inmates roam the halls, so imagine the trouble I'd get in if they saw me. I saw Jerome and made a psst noise. He glanced up and over at me and grinned.

I smiled widely as well and unlocked the door. He made his way into the hallway in a swift and quick motion. I gave the card to him and he ran towards the back doors. I started to run after him, but as I walked past one of the rooms, I heard a familiar voice. "Y/N! What are you doing?" I had forgotten all about Edward in the rush of the moment.

I ran over to his cell and tried to explain. "Jerome and I came up with a plan to escape and its working!" I glanced back down the hallway and, much to my pleasure, Jerome had opened the door. "You're sure you won't get caught?" I laughed, "Nope. We got it all figured out."

"You know what? You should come with us!" He looked confused and I focused my attention to my pockets, where I thought the keys were. I checked and they were nowhere to be found.

My mouth formed an 'O', "I forgot! I gave them to Jerome!" I glanced to see the back door closing and the back of his shirt. Ed reach for my hands through the bars in his door and I gave them to him. "You can go if you really want to." Our faces were on the bars, our foreheads touching. He kissed me softly with the kind of passion I could only dream of getting once more.

"Just promise you won't forget about me." His beautiful eyes bore into my soul, pleading for me to stay, but bracing himself for my departure. I backed away from him for a minute, glancing up and down the halls. Jerome had left a stone in the door for me and I compared my situations. I could go with Jerome and be free, that's a very rewarding choice. However, I couldn't help but think... Jerome is exciting and dangerous, but Ed has expressed his love for me on numerous occasions, unlike the ginger lunatic. I took a meaningful stare at both Ed and the stone for one final time, and I made my decision.

"I won't." I pulled the fire alarm next to Ed's room. The guards saw me and ran. I smirked, "Hello, boys." I smiled widely and raised my hands in a modeling position.

Gotham Imagines and Preferencesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें