Happy Birthday! *Part 2*

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As requested by queenofgotham183

"Ouch!" I yelped as my hand touched the hot straightener. My hand turned red and I sighed as I continued straightening my hair. My blue summer dress hung loosely on my body. After I put some makeup on, I grabbed my stuff, and headed out the door.

I parked my blue Toyota Camry and walked into the movie theater. I immediately noticed David and waved to him. He smiled and walked over to me. "Hey!" I grinned at him and we hugged, "Hey! You look nice." My cheeks turned a crimson red as I thanked him.

"So, what movie do you want to watch?" He asked me while we looked up at our choices. "Hmmm... how about 'It'?" He looked at me, surprised. "What?" I asked, confused. "Nothing. I...just didn't think that girls liked scary movies." He chuckled. Raising my eyebrows, I said, "Well, I'm not like most girls."

We stepped up to the counter, "Two tickets to see 'It', please." The man at the counter gave us our tickets, "The movie doesn't start until four." I nodded, "We know."

After we went out the doors, David said, "So, where do you want to go eat lunch at?" I thought about it, "What about Steak N Shake? We have a couple of hours until the movie starts." He nodded and smiled, "Yeah, that'd be great." He looked taken aback again, "Let me guess, girls usually don't say that, right?" He laughed, "You guessed right," He opened the passenger side car door for me and I sat down, "most girls say 'whatever you want to do' and then that always starts a disagreement." We laughed together, "Like I said, I'm not like other girls." He got in and started the car.

When we got there, we ordered our meal and it came in about fifteen minutes. "Thank you, sir." David said and I said the same. "Thank you all, enjoy your meal." I laughed, "I really have no idea how I'm going to eat this without getting it all over me." David looked over at me, "Ummm... Oh! Here's a fork. You could try to eat it with that?" We laughed and I grabbed the fork from his hand.

After eating lunch, we went back to the movie theater and found our seats. They were in the middle of the top rows, so we could see the movie good. "Do you get scared when you watch scary movies?" I turned my phone off and put it in my pocket before I turned to him. "Yeah, I mean, who doesn't?" He laughed and I shrugged my shoulders. "Yeah, I usually don't get too scared, but when there's a jump scare, I usually let out a little scream." He turned to me, "A little scream?" I laughed and put my face in my hands, "Okay, fine. I scream pretty loud... and I might jump a little." I could see him smile, even with little light in the room. The movie started and everything got quiet.

After some minutes, the movie got more suspenseful. All of a sudden, there was a jump scare. "Ooohhh, shoot!" I screamed and jumped in my seat. The whole movie theater looked over at me. I awkwardly smiled and hid my face in my hands. I started giggling at myself and David chuckled while he put his arm around my shoulder. A lot of screams, jumps, and laughs later, the movie was over.

"So, did you like it?" He tried to suppress a laugh. "Yeah, it was pretty good." I busted out laughing and he couldn't hold it in anymore, so he did too. He opened my driver's side car door for me and I sat down. I rolled down the window and he leaned on the door after I shut it. "Well, I guess this is goodbye..." He looked down, then looked back up to me. "I guess so..." I smiled at him. "I had a really great time with you today." "Me too."

A few minutes of silence passed and I leaned forward, connecting our lips. It's now or never, right? We pulled back and both had smirks on our faces. "I'll see you later, then?" He nodded, "Definitely." I backed out of the parking spot and headed back to my house.
What a day!

Gotham Imagines and PreferencesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora