La Fiesta

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Howdy y'all! I know I haven't been active lately, but I've had a mild case of writer's block! However, someone came to my rescue with a new idea! So, here's a little Halloween-based imagine that's Jerome x reader.
Should I start another Gotham imagines book?

I take a slow, deep breath as if it's my last and step out of my toyota. It was honestly a lame thing to do, according to Maysey; wearing this costume. "You'll never get any hot guys to ask you to dance if you wear that." My bestie had said.

Which explains why I feel very out of place as my eyes scan the many skimpy outfits the other girls had on. I make my way to the bar, ordering a Margarita.

I feel a presence and I turn as soon as a Twister game board sits on the stool next to mine. "Hey, so what's this supposed to be?" He asked motioning to my costume, taking a gulp of his beer. "I'm the girl from Progressive."

He gives me a confused look and I scoff, "You've never seen the commercials?" He shakes his head and goes to bother some other girl.
About half an hour later, I grow tired of the failed flirty comments and walk outside to sit on a step.

I rub my hands together, blowing into them occasionally to keep them warm. I hear footsteps coming towards me.

"Get kicked out?" My gaze lands on a very familiar ginger boy. "No, actually. I got bored." He nods, giving his attention to an empty cemetery behind the building. "What? You want me to come with you?"

He holds his hand out to me, but I hesitate. "Hey, don't keep me waiting." He let's out a maniac chuckle that I'd be crazy to accept his offer. However, I do anyway.

Hand in hand, we talk about all that happened at the party. I wasn't scared at all with him by my side. Eventually, he had a great idea and that was to go crash the party. "So what do ya say?"

I bite my lower lip, "Hmmm, let me think... YES!!" I jump into his arms and he spins me around. Then, we make our way to the party.

Many toilet paper rolls and broken vases later, we're making out in the middle of nowhere in the back of my car. What an eventful night.

Hope y'all liked it! I know it's kinda late, but I had a lot going on considering school lol. Have a great day!

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