Imagine- Jerome Valeska

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"Sentenced to five years in Arkham Asylum." I couldn't believe what was happening to me. As the policemen grabbed my arms and pulled me away, I got sick to my stomach. It wasn't my fault! I was at the wrong place, at the wrong time. I was framed for the murder and dismemberment of Amelie Rocco. I was just walking down an alleyway to get back to my apartment, when a man grabbed me and yelled down the street to some police officers, "Police! Police! I found her! She did this!" The only reason they believed it was me, is because I had blood on my hands and my clothes had been ripped, because of my washing machine. The man had put the blood on my hands when he touched me, and he also made sure that he left some on my mouth too. And now I was being put in a crazy place. I was thrown inside the car, and we began making our way to the dreaded place. They dropped me off in the community area, where everyone came to sit and do whatever, after showing me my room. "Make some friends, I'm sure they'd love fresh meat." One of the guards laughed, as they left. I walked to one of the tables, sat down, and opened a magazine. After a few minutes, I looked up, only to see everyone in the room looking at me. I went back to reading my magazine, sinking in my chair a little. I saw someone get up out of the corner of my eye, and make their way towards me. "Hiya beautiful!" I looked up to see a red-head, looking as cheerful as ever. "Hey." I answered quietly. "You're not very talkative, are ya?" I shook my head no. He scooted his chair as close to me as he could get. "You see that guy over there that's looking at ya like you're a big, juicy hamburger?" I nodded my head. "He's in here for rape and cannibalism." I just nodded my head. "I don't know, I was just thinking that a girl like you might need some protection around here, you know?" I looked up at him,"And who do you think might do the job?" He looked at me, "Well, doll, I was thinking a ginger boy might be able to live up to the standards." We smiled at each other. "Scoot over Jerome, I saw her first." A man twice his size came over to our table and pushed 'Jerome' out of his seat. "Aren't you just a sight to see?" He said as he put a finger under my chin. I jumped, as Jerome punched him in the jaw, making him fall to the floor. "Now," He said as he sat down in his chair, "Where were we?" I giggled, as he smiled at me.

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