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Jerome x reader

"C'mon, Jack! Let's go for a walk!" I tell my brindle- colored boxer/pitbull mix. He just sits there, looking at me as if I am crazy. "C'mon! It's just a few snow flurries!" I clip on his leash and pull him until he gives up and walks on his own.

When I open the door, the winter breeze slaps me in the face. I shiver and zip up my jacket. We walk until we are away from the city a little and I feel the snow fall heavier.

"I think we can make it a little farther, Jack." I say, using my better judgment. The farther we go, the heavier the snow falls and I think about turning around. As soon as I do, though, I realize that I can't see anything behind me.

I turn back around in the direction I was heading, seeing some mobile homes and I make my way towards them. After some pushing through the storm, I find myself at a door, knocking on it as hard as possible.

A young man that looks to be maybe a little younger than me, opens the door. He takes one glance outside, to me, and to jack, then pulls into his mobile home.

"Woah, that's a heck of a storm out there. Are you all okay?" The boy asks and I notice his ginger hair and pale skin for the first time.

"Uh, yeah. I think so. I hope you don't mind our being here. I couldn't find the way back to my apartment and I saw this place and... yeah." I chuckle and he stares into my eyes for a minute until I turn my head, pretending to look around.

He clears his throat, "Uh, no. I don't mind. My mom is out of town and she left the place to me for a few days. You can stay as long as you would like, or at least until the storm lets up. It would be my pleasure."

I smile, "Okay."

He then tells me to take a seat on his couch while he makes us some tea. "Here you go." He hands me a cup and sits down next to me. "You know, I really thought that Jack would be agressive with you. Just because he doesn't know you and all, but he really has surprised me. I think he likes you."

I see his lip curve into a smile as he says, "Well, I like him too." He pets Jack whilst the dog licks him back.

I giggle, "So, what's your name?"
"Jerome. What's yours?"

"It's gonna sound cheesy, I know. But, that's a very beautiful name for a very beautiful girl." He takes a sip of his tea and I blush, adjusting my eyes to the floor.

I see a newspaper on his table and grab it, trying to change the topic. "You know, everytime I read a newspaper, someone has committed a crime."

"Everytime?" I nod, "Mmmm...hmmm." I take a sip of my tea and I feel the smooth hot liquid flush down my throat.

"Did you hear about Bruce Wayne? His parents?" He says and I nod, "That's awful. But, it doesn't really surprise me any. They basically ruled Gotham with their wealth."

Jerome glances at the clock, "It's getting late, maybe I should show you to your room." I smile and get up to follow him down the hallway. "You can sleep in my bed and I'll just sleep on the floor."

"I couldn't do that. I'll sleep on the floor." He grabs some blankets from the closet and shoves them in my arms. "You're my guest, I have to treat you as such. Besides, I'd be up all night worrying about you, so I wouldn't get any sleep anyways."

I take the blankets and lay down, patting on the bed so that Jack will jump up there. Jerome turns off the lights. "Goodnight." I say when I hear him get settled in. "Goodnight." He replies and I turn over on my side.


I wake up to find that I am the only person in Jerome's room. I panic a little, but then I hear Jack playing with Jerome and I calm down.

Gotham Imagines and Preferencesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें