
822 7 13

E/c = your eye color

It had been a while since I had been treated nicely. The guys that I had been with were all so awful. From cheating to beating, I had experienced it all. In my mind, there were no more good men. At least, not in Gotham.

But, somehow, my best friend, Lee, convinced me to go out with one of her boyfriend's lawyer friends. I only agreed to go out with him for her.

She desperately wants me to have a different perspective on men. And I'm going to let her try-- just this once.

I stand outside the fancy restaurant after hours of picking the right outfit and makeup, even calling Lee to come over and help. She happily obliged, I recall, and hugged me tightly when I left the house.

I stare into the dimly lit setting, trying to catch sight of him so I could somewhat prepare. I had heard so much about him, but as my e/c eyes catch his, I couldn't believe how handsome he was.

He gives me a kind, bright smile and I turn to walk in. The hostess brings me to the table and Harvey immediately stands. "You must be Y/N! Wow, you look ravishing!"

I blush at all the people turning to look from his loud voice but manage to get out a "thank you". He pulls out my chair for me and I see that he has ordered a bottle of wine for us.

"I had them choose the oldest one they had, it seems they're far better tasting, the older they are." I agree and at that time the waitress brings us a platter of various cheeses, some I had never tasted.

The night goes smoothly and I find myself thanking Lee in the back of my mind. This guy is really nice, it's refreshing.

When he brings me to my car, it seems as though things aren't finished between us. Neither of us wanted to end the night.

"Pardon my french but, I really want you to f*** the s*** out of me tonight." This language shocks him but I can tell it also turns him on.

"Mmm, your place or mine?" He grabs my waist and leans in to kiss me. I talk as our lips are slightly touching, "Take me home with you."

Our lips smash together and there's an instant connection aswell as in the restaurant, we have chemistry. As our tongues fight for dominance all I can think is, if this isn't what I want it to turn out to be, at least he's really good at hooking up.

~~ Thank you CEO_of_Dummheit!
I hadn't done one of Harvey, so I thought it'd be nice to get one out. Sorry if it's not so great, I haven't written in forever!

QOTD: Who is your kiss marry kill out of Harvey Dent, Jerome Valeska, Edward Nygma?

For me, it would be kiss Ed, marry, Harvey, kill Jerome. Sorry, it's more for practical reasons, Jerome would probably kill me if I didn't kill him first! Haha!

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