Chapter Twenty-Eight - I Need a Long Nap

Start from the beginning

"Ace, stop with these cute captions," I said.

"I don't think you can beat mine." He laughed. Here's the thing about us, we are always competing. Usually just for fun but I love beating him. 

"Challenge accepted." I spoke and hung up. I wish I had a flip phone to make it one of those dramatic hang ups but whatever, now to think of a good caption.

I found the perfect picture, which was of us on our date this morning. We took a selfie. The caption was simple; a Christian pun. "Did Adam ever have a date with Eve?" "No, just an apple," I thought it was pretty funny and I think I won this one. Even though it wasn't as cute as his, I still won for the best caption. I received a text just after I posted the photo: "Alright, you win."

I laughed and turned off my phone for a little while and just sang. I recorded a few songs in the studio (yes, I have a studio in my house) and then I heard a knock on the glass. I took off my headphones and saw Ace.

I waved at him to come in. He came in and sat beside me.

"You sound amazing."

"Thanks," I blushed. "Do you want to record something with me?" I asked.

"Sure, that sounds like fun." We decided to record Thinking Out Loud by Ed Sheeran. Ace played his guitar and we both sang. It sounded amazing. He actually harmonized this time, and it still sounded perfect. Just as we finished, my dad walked in.

"Hey, Cam, we're going to have a family meeting downstairs."

"Okay," I said.

"I'll head out now." Ace said while taking his guitar and sheet music.

"I would invite you to stay but I'm not sure what this is about, so maybe you shouldn't."

"Yeah, it's fine. It's your family any ways, not mine. I'll see you soon?" He asked.

"Yeah, of course, thanks for singing today."

"I wouldn't want to sing with anyone else," He smiled and then kissed me goodbye. Then he got up and went home.

My dad told me during the meeting that we are moving to Woodstock, Vermont with Jenny. I have to tell Ace the bad news though. He'll never see me again. I always thought Ace and I would get married and adopt a little boy or girl or have children of our own. The reason why we're moving is because, Jenny's job is there and my dad really feels it's best for the family. I think my dad and Jenny are thinking about marriage soon. It seems really fast but if that's what they want then I'm all for it. It's only a few more months until we have to leave.

So we had a family meeting to talk about us moving. My dad said he knows how important things are like relationships with friends, boyfriends, and fiancés but they also would like us to have a new experience. When he first told us we were moving, I was sitting on the couch drinking my orange juice and when my dad said it, I almost spit out my juice.

"We're doing what?" I shrieked. "No, no we cannot move dad, my life is here, and everything I have is here and..." I stopped myself before I said Ace is here because I knew someone would be immature and make a kissing face or something totally embarrassing.

"I know it's going to be hard to move honey, but I think it's best for our family." My dad said. "Jenny and I think things are going very well for the two of us, and her job is back in Vermont."

After the meeting, I was lying on my bed, thinking about my life, and what it will be like without Ace. My dad knocked on my door and I let him in and we talked.

"Dad, what if I don't get married?" I asked. "Will you be upset with me?"

"Of course not," He said hugging me. "Why would you not get married? Hasn't that always been your dream?"

"Yes, but my dream was always about Ace dad. I mean he's the one I want to be with I'm sure of it and if we move, how can we get married? I know it sounds insane that I love him but I know for sure, I love Ace. I can just feel it all the time when I'm around him and I don't want to leave him behind, leave my whole life behind..."

"I'm so sorry it has to be this way sweetie, but it's just how life goes sometimes you have to let go of some people you love." He said. "I have a story to tell you, so get comfy." He smiled. "When I was younger, about your age, just a bit older, I thought met the love of my life."

"Mum?" I asked.

"No, this is actually about Jenny."

"Jenny told me about you two a little bit, but I couldn't get her to talk about why you two broke up."

"She was my best friend for five years and we had started dating during our senior year of high school. Then one day just after graduation, Jenny told me she wanted to go to England to study for two whole years. We decided to just be friends and she promised to call me all the time.

"When she was in England, she called me and told me that she found a guy who she had some interest in and she asked for my permission to ask him out. I said yes, but inside my heart was broken. I didn't think she would find another guy who was better than me and it hurt. I decided to move on from her and stay away from dating for a little while. Now, just about a year after that, I met your mother. We started talking and having interest in each other and then about ten months after we had started talking, I told her I was in love with her.

"She told me she didn't know how she felt about me. I told her the whole story about Jenny, about how I had eventually moved on, to help her feel better because she was just getting over a failed relationship. A few months later, Jenny had completely forgotten about me and it hurt for a while. But then I realized I had forgotten about her too, and maybe we weren't meant for each other. Your mum told me that she was in love with me too and we got married two years later after we had courted for a while. You see, some people come and go, but you'll meet someone who will always be there for you when you fall. And now, after all that, Jenny came back. And pretty much picked up where we left off. Except that I have you guys and she has a son. But other than that, things are back the same as they used to be."

"Jenny has a son?" I asked.

"Yeah, he's about Fletcher's age."

"I didn't know that, that's super cool. But back to your story, so you're saying, Ace will probably just forget about me?" I asked quietly.

"No honey I'm sure he won't forget about you, I mean how long have you guys known each other for?"

"Sixteen years." I said smiling.

"Exactly, Jenny and I only knew each other five years. I am almost 100% sure Ace will never forget about you, it definitely wasn't an accident that you met Ace. You can tell him anything and it's so great when you have a relationship with someone like that. But maybe it's just time you move on and find something else to focus on."

"But, dad, I love Ace."

"I know you do. It hurts to leave someone you love, I've been there. But everything will work out in the end. If you and Ace are meant to be then, you guys will make the distance work. But if you're just meant to be friend's then-"

"I should just move on." I sighed. "Thanks for the help dad." I almost said sarcastically.

"I know it sucks honey, but things will get better, I promise."

My dad left me to stay in my room alone. I really didn't know how to respond to this crazy news.

Why all of the sudden would my dad make me leave Vancouver and my life behind to move to Vermont?

Nothing makes sense. Since when has he known this?

I don't know what to think so I just crawl into bed and take a long nap.

I'm in need of an escape the craziness that I call my life.

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