Chapter Twenty-Six - Cookie Dough

Start from the beginning

"Okay I'm buying the tickets so you guys are sure?"

"Yeah it might be fun," I shrugged.

I knew it was a long trip so I wasn't excited for that.

"Okay so you guys should probably start packing soon because we are leaving tomorrow and staying for two nights at a hotel with a pool." My dad smiled.

"Okay dad thanks," I said.

Dad left the door open a little.

"Thanks for writing the note. Really appreciate it." Ace smiled.

"No problem."

"I should probably get going, I'm going to pack tonight so I'll see you tomorrow." Ace gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"Goodbye Ace,"

"See you tomorrow."

I put my headphones in and played music.

I heard a loud knock on the door.

"Camilla! We're making cookies downstairs come help us!" Fletcher yelled.

"Okay I'll be down in a second."

I walked downstairs to see Ace, Ginger and Fletcher all downstairs making cookies. They were so cute together. Ace is the most adorable guy when it comes to playing with kids.

"Camilla, catch!" Ace yelled as he threw cookie dough at me. I wasn't ready so it hit my glasses and made them all greasy. It fell onto the ground and I squealed.

"Ace!" I laughed picking up the cookie dough and throwing it at him. Surprisingly, he caught it in his mouth.

"Want some?" He spoke as he was chewing the cookie dough.

"Ew, no thanks."

Ginger and Fletcher just stood there giggling.

"Fletcher, pass me a bowl of dough," I smirked planning my revenge. "Pass me an apron too while you're at it."

"But we were going to make cookies!" Ginger cried a fake whine.

"Sorry, but this is way more important than cookies!"

"Okay, okay fine." She laughed. I'm going to guarantee that if Ace didn't have cancer, she would not be okay with this. It seems like we get away with a lot of stuff because of his condition.

"I'm promise we'll make more dough for you!"

"You better!"

I was not going down without a fight. Fletcher gave me a bowl and an apron while Ace got his supplies to fight me back.

I threw a chunk of dough at his shirt and he lifted his shirt to lick the cookie dough off his shirt.

Then he threw a huge chunk of cookie dough at my face. I ate half of it and the rest ended up in my hair and all over my face.

"That's it!" I screamed throwing some at his face.

"Mmm that's yummy." He smirked.

I threw more at his pants.

"No! Not my favourite pants!" He whined.

He threw some in my hair.

"Gross!" I whined feeling my now greasy, cookie dough hair.

Ginger and Fletcher couldn't stop laughing. Ace was grabbing his stomach, trying to stop laughing. I couldn't help but laugh at how much entertainment everyone was getting from just making cookies.

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